Monday, June 13, 2016

Working On It

1st picture: The Front Porch. Beloved enuf to have me capitalize it's name. 2nd picture: Look closely and you can see the little caterpillar. The brown tail moth caterpillar. Not beloved. He and his oh so numerous siblings are responsible for denying me my morning musings on the Front and Back Porches as well as in my much loved M. Woods at the side of the house. HUMPHF!!! It's amazing how something so small can fill the heart with dread and disappointment. Oh, and lets not forget the annoying and completely unflattering head to toe rash those of us with sensitivities get to sport for the next few weeks. HUMPHF!! Blasted things!! *heavy sigh* Please forgive my humphfing. I have been in humphf mode for awhile now. I fear it may be trying to become a permanent state of being. I just can't allow that. I'm working on it, I promise. The weather recipe would be delicious this morning if I could enjoy my share. HUMPHF!! Sorry. Working on it. 53 degrees, 80% humidity, 3 mph breezes and overcast skies holding the promise of possible rain showers later. DENIED!!! Sorry. Working on it again. Guess I'll throw open the the curtains and enjoy what I can of the morning from inside the house......... HUUUUMPHFFFF!! Sorry. Sorry. Lost the battle. Working on it. I am. Really. *heavy sigh*.....  My wish for you, fellow travelers, may you live a rash free life and always get your fill of the morning weather breakfast! Keep those DREAMS alive. You know what nourishes them!!