Thursday, June 16, 2016

Not Dead Yet

It's beautiful outside, as always. My senses were awakened by the best things. First to wake was my nose. I find that rather remarkable as I am losing my sense of smell right along with sight and taste. And hearing.... humm. Is it an old age thing that dulls all the senses? Well, of course it is. And why do I find this remarkable? Because I'm a ninny. Humphf... Sorry. I'm still working on the humphing thing. They're not dead yet, my senses!  My NOSE woke up before I was completely out the door this morning. The lawn was mowed yesterday and the fantastic fragrance of a freshly mown... humphf... sorry... mown is wrong? I thought it was a word but spellcheck has seen fit to apply the Squiggly-Red-Line of death to it. It's Google time!! ... well, apparently mowed or mown are both acceptable. Moving on. The smell of freshly cut grass is an awesome aroma. My EARS perked up a split second after my nose. The chorus of birds singing to the drumming of 2 woodpeckers was a delightful Sunrise Concert. EYES were next. They were bedazzled by a brilliant blue sky. TOUCH woke immediately after the eyes did. Confused much. My sense of touch claimed it was rather chilly out. But a quick check of the temperature claimed 52 degrees. "That can't be right" I says to myself. I checked another weather site. 53 degrees. Humphf... sorry... HOW is it possible to be chilly in 52 degree weather when yesterdays 54 degrees was so warm. How? All I can say is, it felt great out! My TASTE, always the last to wake, was just as confused as touch. My coffee stepped up from putrid to bad. A marked improvement!
Must share one more picture. I spent more time on the Front Porch last night than this morning. The moon was beautiful and deserved to be appreciated. The picture is horrible. I am not a photographer and unless I go to school to learn the art, I never will be. Still, I feel the overwhelming urge to download Moon's picture. A lovely sight to be sure! Live, love and laugh my Travelers. Look, listen and learn. Do it for your Dreams!