What have we got today...
33°, 100% humidity, 3 mph winds and "a few clouds" Of course I must go confirm this.
Nice out there.
The weather augurers got it right this morning. Looked and felt just like they said. Although, the wind really did feel stronger than 3 mph.
What are we gonna get later...
Mostly cloudy, gradually becoming sunny, high near 39 with winds from the Northwest up to 10 mph. That means more melting. Check out Lake M!
The Lake is at least ankle deep. The city has plans for fixing this problem. It truly is the city's property, ergo, their responsibility, but they keep putting it on the back burner. Blast 'em. Still, for reasons unknown even to moi, I already know a part of me will miss Lake M when it's gone. It's part of the personality of this house. And I LOVE the personality of this house!! But change is inevitable and necessary... babbling...
What do we have coming tonight...
Mostly clear with a low of 10 and accompanied with 5 mph Northwest winds. I know where I'm NOT parking tonight. Don't want Trusty's short little legs frozen in ice. More importantly, Ice and I have called a truce. I don't walk on it and it won't slip me up. What a brilliant idea! Shoulda thought of it sooner.
Have a great day Travelers.
May your life be slip and trip free and may all your falls be deliberate, well planned and perfectly excuted, to insure they are injury free!