Sunday, February 4, 2018

Can't Do This Yet

Hang on!
I can't do this yet! My coffee's ready!
Putrid. Nuff said.
Can't see a thing...
Gee, look what happens when you turn on a light.
Wow, my fingernails are dirty. Shoulda kept the light off.
Where's my avocado?
Hey, it's Baby Sis's B-Day today! Happy B-Day, Sis!
Superbowl Sunday today.
What's that?
I may not follow sports but I do know what S S day is.
The Patriots... what's a pat riot?
Distracted much...
Where's my avocado?
That can wait.
The Patriots vs. ... hang on...
Google time.
The Philadelphia Eagles.
Patriots vs. Eagles.
As popular as this day is, when do you think it will become a national holiday? I may not follow sports but I do love holidays!
It was snowing earlier.
LOOK at all the red squiggly lines!
Can't spell NUTTIN' today.
Need to go take the morning picture.
Where's my avocado?
That can wait.
Wip time.
Just a dusting of snow. Now, it's just windy out.
And cloudy.
And chilly.

I suppose the weather stats that go with this picture are in order.
Phone, the weather please.
No wonder it felt so good on the Front Porch!
What else have we got?
75% humidity, SW winds clocking in at 9 mph and overcast skies.
The wind felt delicious.
That's it.
I must go sample some more of that breeze.
I would have liked to sit out there longer, but 9 minutes was the limit for my pinky fingers.
Yes, I timed it.
Yucko. Cold coffee.
I like iced coffee.
I need a glass of ice!
Now, THAT'S a mug of coffee I can handle!
Where's my avocado?
That can wait.
Where was I?
9 minutes. That's where I was.
9 minutes with the Front Porch sittin' on my fanny protector was all my pajama wearing body, slipper clad feet, long-sleeve adorned arms and unswathed hands could comfortably tolerate.
Ok spellcheck, I get that unswathed isn't a word you wish to recognize.
But guess what? It's staying right where it's at.
To be honest, all of me could have stayed out much longer had I just thought to nimitz my hands.
Only my pinky fingers started to complain about the cold.
We're done here.
This is the biggest collection of nuttin' I've ever nuttin'ed.
I think.
Could be wrong.
Probably wrong, but not worth wastin' brain cells over.
Have a great Superbowl Sunday! May your team win!
Where's my avocado?
I'm out of avocado!
I was eating S's!