Thursday, February 22, 2018

Birdbath Or No

Too much YouTube this morning! Lots of bird bath ideas. But while I was cruising through the videos for these ideas to help me finish my own birdbath, I clicked on one of a praying mantis feeding on a hummingbird. Clicked off immediately but TOO LATE! COULDN'T GET THAT IMAGE OUTTA MY HEAD!! After watching some crafting videos and then some more pleasant hummingbird videos, the image is fading to the background. Now I'm running behind. At least my lunch is made. 
So... whaddaya think? Will it work as a birdbath?
I LOVE the contrast between the old cast iron and the new stainless steel. I can use tent stakes to secure it to the ground and the depth of the bowl is an issue easily solved with rock and gravel. BUT... *heavy sigh*... after viewing video's of DIY birdbaths, the rim on this bowl will not allow the birds to safely perch and that will prevent them from visiting a second time. Yet another conundrum with this set-up is, how do I securely attach the bowl to the candle holder in such a way that the birds can use it without having it fall apart on them? A way that will also allow easy removal of the pan for cleaning AND keep the aesthetically clean look. Then we have the squirrels... my brain is slow to come up with solutions to these problems, however, Brain is also telling me the solutions are already in my head. I just haven't found them yet. I have 13 more days to ponder these issues for answers or return it all for a refund. 
Weather is thus:
44% humidity
Calm (actually there is no wind speed, just a NA. But it WAS calm 2 hours ago)
Samcam is upset. One picture and a 5 second Front Porch visit is just NOT right.
But I'm running late!
A beautifully illustrated, current weather conditions, WIP.
Te quiero, Travelers!