Saturday, February 3, 2018

Duh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh

Hey, we warmed up a bit. An hour ago we had a temp of -1°. Note the negative sign in front of that 1. Now the weather persons are claiming it's 3°. Note the lack of a negative sign. I don't know if, when I am in my climate evaluator mode, I would ever be able to sense a 4 degree temperature change when going from a freezing -1 to a freezing 3 degrees. Simply put, it's freezing outside. Whether it's -1 or 3 degrees, it is freezing! The back deck has sure been complaining about it. It just now loudly banged out it's opinion of the cold. A surefire way to test the ole adrenal gland, let me tell ya!
Trusty and I had a bit of an adventure yesterday. His short little legs, going up the incline toward the road to work just couldn't do it. We actually started to slide backward down the incline. Thank the powers that may be there was no one behind me!!!! So I waited an hour went out to try again and it was a no go. An unexpected day off. I spent the day watching YouTube videos of trail cam photos and making some birthday cards from a kit Baby Sis gave me for Christmas. I must say that my attempts at card making came out pretty bad. I'm also going to say that perhaps I ought naught try multitasking when next I make cards.
I feel good today! Rested. Ready and willing to work. AND, I woke up BEFORE the alarm had a chance to ruin my wakeup!! I can hear James Brown in my head:

Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh!
I knew that I would, now!"
Duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...."
Yeah, I know, I hear ya. Back to the weather.
duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh...
OK, weather now.
The 3° that the Front Porch is enjoying this morning is accompanied by 60% humidity, 3 mph variable winds and fair skies. We are to expect a high of 21° and a mostly sunny day. The fireplace has certainly been getting a workout this winter.
Since we have no rain or snow this morning, I will put my Phone in a left-handed death grip, since my mittened hands have a tendency to drop things, and retire Camera to the "Camera Bag" where 3 other retired camera's, a plethora of cords and several batteries will keep it company. 
Time to gear up, start Trusty's engine for a warm-up and see if Phone can successfully illustrate the weather conditions.
Back will I be---
Samcam, aka Camera 4, came outta retirement and managed, after a great deal of coaxing, to snap a weather illustration picture for me! And, of course, I just had to drop him. Nimitzed hands just guarantee a poor grip on things.
Good day to you, Travelers!