Monday, February 5, 2018

More News Than The Weather

Good morning.
Currently it is a fantastic 39° on the Front Porch. The 93% humidity, overcast skies and... calm winds?... ah, no. Not calm. The wind out there felt so wonderful. Too wonderful to get upset at the WeeGees for getting it wrong. The forecast for today calls for a high of 39, mostly cloudy and with Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph. That is EXACTLY what we have right now. Good job WeeGees.
In other news
Gotta a snowstorm predicted for Wednesday. Preliminary guess, 3 to 5 inches.
There was a horrible Amtrak derailment yesterday in South Carolina. 2 dead, 116 injured. Pictures of the crash site are horrific. The fact that the Engineer and the Conductor were, so far, the only fatalities, makes me wonder if their quick reactions weren't somehow responsible for the low death toll. That would make them heroes, in my book. Only a good investigation will tell the story. My heart goes out to the families of those lost, and to all those injured.
The Pats lost the Superbowl last night. Spell check insisted I capitalize the s in superbowl to remove the squiggly red line of admonition for improper spelling. Does this mean we are one step closer to declaring the day a national holiday? I mean, even spellcheck says it's not the superbowl, it's the
I have a final 3 episodes of Altered Carbon to binge watch, when next I can indulge. Decent show, however, it's for adults. Make sure the children are not in the room.
Things to do, places to be and rooms that need cleaning!
Have a good day...
Wait! The WIP for the day!
Pretty accurate Weather Illustration Picture.
See the hose? It is facilitating the draining of Lake Merganser.
 The lake Trusty decided to park right in the middle of.
Drainage has been directed to the M Woods.
L is my hero!

Two visitors today! Actually, more than that. But the flock of Mourning doves I am counting as one. Camera only managed to catch 2 of them in a rather blurry photo. There were at least 8 of them.

A blurry profile of a Crow singing his little heart out in a tree across the street is evidence of our second visitor.
Question. Can one accurately describe the cawing of a Crow as singing?
May your day be wonderful, Travelers.
And do as the Irish say, 
"sing as if no one is listening."