Good morning. Brrr. Not as brrr as yesterday but -4 degrees is brrr. Add W winds clocking in at 8 mph and we get a -19° wind chill. Did I say brrr? Wrong. It's more like
And I gotta go out there and wake up Trusty. I sure hope he can. Wake up, I mean. The colder it gets the more his engine struggles to turn over.
Aside from the fair skies and 61% humidity to complete the current weather conditions, I got nuttin'.
'Cept a WIP. Maybe. If my gloved but rapidly freezing fingers can find the shutter button. Time to bundle up. Like Christmas Story Randy or Nanook of the North. Take your pick.
Back I'll be.
Trusty started. It was a struggle, but he did it. I love my Trusty steed.
By the way, it's %&@#%$! COLD out there!!!
Have a great day, Travelers.
I need aspirin...
Wait a sec. A picture by Phone using flash when the lens fogs up.
I think that's what happened...
I think that's what happened...