Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Lotta Snow Moving Today

Lotta snow moving awaits me today. Using a highly sophisticated and finely calibrated piece of equipment, OBACE ventured outside to measure the total snowfall from yesterdays storm-
OBACE feels confident enough to say we got 6 and 1/2 inches of snow. The WeeGees, or any of their peers, will not be listing the totals for awhile yet. And I can rest assured a Google search for such information will be a pain in the royal tush!! In the meantime the current weather conditions are 21° with overcast skies, calm winds and 96% humidity. They say we have a slight chance of rain this afternoon, then sunny skies. I'm guessing the window for sunny skies is a very narrow one since the sun will be setting a couple of minutes after 4 pm.
I'm waiting for one of the neighbors to start their snowblower. I don't wanna be the first one to shatter the silence this morning.
I'm off to help shatter the silence!