Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Bluey Bacon Morning

This feels like another nuttin' day. I'm gonna go nuke some bacon. Wait, the dryer stopped. Gotta go fold some clothes first.
Now the bacon.
Taste buds are happy this morning. They aren't usually fed before coffee. This must be the key to happy buds! Bacon first, THEN coffee. But that poses the question, how happy is that gonna make my heart?
Well, a quick Google search reveals a split in recommendations. One saying fatty meats are not the hearts friend, the other saying recent research may prove otherwise. How has the human race managed to survive so long without the aid of "RESEARCH?" In all fairness to "research" though, I have actually formed a penchant for the activity, or rather it's baby sibling, the 5 minute Google search. But I have SERIOUS misgivings about EVERYTHING I read online. So, I research to my hearts content but take it all with a grain of salt...
a grain of salt? Whadda ya say Google!?
Quick search reveals that one of the phrase's possible origins include Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, regarding the discovery of a recipe for an antidote to a poison. In the antidote, one of the ingredients was a grain of salt. Threats involving the poison were thus to be taken "with a grain of salt", and therefore less seriously.
Uh huh.
Well, this round of research has posed another question in my brain pan. Totally off subject,
I'm wondering now, if the Latin word for salt is the same as the Latin word for wisdom...
No time to Google that one. But you can be assured I WILL be Googling that one!
The current weather is... Phone? Where'd ya go?...
I swear, Phone and Camera have feet!
32° of overcast skies, 7 mph winds and 96% humidity. Still too early at 5:45 to take a WIP so I'll be back inna few minutes. Things to do before I go!
Back I am, and I caught that brief moment of predawn blue!! Check it out-
Beautiful! Not just the bluey dawn but also, a sliver of Luna shining through the clouds and the next door neighbor using that most excellent of winter tools, the Snow Blower! Oh and footprints in the snow!
L's are on the far left. Center we have Dog, maybe? Raccoon? Opossum? 
Tis a mystery!
Gotta go!
Addendum (I love big words that I don't fully understand:):
Latin word for wisdom- sapientiae (so sayeth Google. And we know how reliable THAT is.)
Latin word for salt- salis (so sayeth Google. And we know how reliable THAT is.)
Is there an echo in here?