Saturday, December 16, 2017

Garden Lights

What a display of lights!
I have no time to babble this morning. Took too long dragging myself out of a warm bed. I'll try to remember to babble tonight after work. No promises, cus my Brain ain't big on remembering stuff.
Weather! I haven't checked the weather!
11°, 92% humidity, calm winds and, I always love this, "a few clouds." Maybe the WeeGee checking the sky can't decide if the percentage of cloud cover calls for partly or mostly cloudy. You'd think the radar readout on the computer would do the math for him/her...
ok, what's the proper pronoun when you are speaking of a single individual and you don't know the gender? C'mon, there's gotta be something other than 'individual.' Or the oh so over used him/her and he/she. I admit to being a bit lazy and I am more than ready to embrace the abbreviated style of writing and speaking that befits this "hurry-up" society we live in. So give me a shorter pronoun for a genderless reference other than "individual.' If you typed like I do, you would understand the necessity for this.
WHOA! Gotta go now!!
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and, just in case I don't get back, Good Night to you, my fellow Travelers.
And much love to you!!