Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Sweet Breath Of Air

Good morning.
It's dark out. 
Well, of course it is. Dark out, I mean. At this time of morning, at this time of year, what else would it be?
I feel sooooo much better today. Good enuf to brave the elements and plant my fanny for a moment. A fanny plant this morning calls for a Nanook gearing up against the cold. Where's my coat? And my nimitz? I'm headed out to 30°, calm winds, 88% humidity and overcast skies. That's what the WeeGees say. Time for OBACE...
If it's 30° out there it's a warm 30°. The Nanook gear, while appreciated and very likely extended my stay with the Front Porch, proved to be unnecessary. My everyday jacket would have sufficed and no nimitz were needed. My fingers never got cold.
I have a WIP for you, as mundane as it is.
Hadta use the flash to get this utterly not fantastic picture.
Street light posed flashless for us, as the next door neighbor left for work.
Zoomed in on the Christmas lights down the street. I've seen them every morning for several days. What is that? A snowman? Now I gotta go check it out.
Be right back.
I wanted to go see what the lights were in ninja mode. You'd think, as dark as it is, that would be easy to accomplish. But you can't do that with at least 3 people out and about, who will witness your ninja moves in the street lights. First, the guy across the street, indulging in his favorite mood altering drug, coughed and gave away his position. Then, the guy next door, indulging in his favorite form of smokey vapors, I guess, quietly closed his door. But not quiet enuf. He, too, gave away his position. And third, I saw the light from what may have been a lighter as someone, possibly enjoying some sort of gaseous fumes of their own, lit up not 10 feet from the Christmas lights I wanted to ninja snap a picture of!! So much for my indulging in any smooth moves this morning. Honestly, now that I think on it, I'm pretty sure I used up my quota of smooth moves about 2 decades ago.
May you enjoy your smooth moves while you have them, Travelers.
They are yet another thing that disappears with age.
Love and Happiness, may they always be yours. When it seems they may be gone, they're not. They have not abandoned you. They're waiting for you. Like that sweet breath of air when your head finally breaks the surface of the water.