Saturday, December 23, 2017

Most Valid Reason

It's beautiful out there!
19°. Fog/Mist? Ok, they ain't saying it so I will, it's overcast and I can feel... what is the difference between freezing rain and sleet? Hang on, it's Google time.
Aha. Sleet is snow that melted as it passed thru a high thin layer of warm air. Then, upon hitting cold air again, it refreezes into pellets of ice as it falls to the ground. In the same way, freezing rain is snow that melts into rain then refreezes just before or immediately after hitting the ground, because the warm air layer it passes through extends almost all the way to the ground. Gotcha. That explains why the weather forecast predicts both today. Sleet. It accumulates much like snow. Freezing rain. It forms "puddles", if you will, of ice on the roads. Therefore, it is the bringer of black ice. Cars and black ice are not friends.
Back to the weather. 
19°, Fog/Mist, although I didn't see either of those, just an overcast sky, 96% humidity and 5 mph NE winds. I could feel sleet when I thrust Camera and Phone out the door for a WIP. Phone was not happy. It's not used to being abused in such a manner. Camera has come to expect exposure to the elements. Anyway, sleet is a definite happening for today, as it happened all over Camera, Phone and my arm. My arm being the only part of OBACE that made it out on the Front Porch. OBACE will be out shoveling soon enuf. It's appendages are good for more than just climate evaluation.
Snoveling show is done!
Now, I must ready my self for a coffee date with my WONDERFUL daughter! The MOST valid reason to be driving on icy roads.
A Puma, huh?
Have a great day, and be careful out there if you need to be on the roads. Many crazy drivers will be on the same roads, no matter where you live or what the weather.
I just have to say that S knows how to make a FABULOUS Eggs Benedict.
THANK YOU, S!!!! Awesome doesn't adequately describe how delicious it was.
Forgot to hit post.
Hey! How about that rocket launch in California last night? I've seen several, but never one quite that spectacular.