Friday, December 22, 2017

Cold As In

chilly, nippy, gelid (that one always catches me off-guard), freezing, icy, snowy, wintry, frosty, frigid, bitter, biting, raw and bone chilling! I say again, I love a thesaurus!
It's 11° of cold. Trusty's gonna whine a lot when I wake him up. Served up with that 11° is 64% humidity, calm winds and partly cloudy skies. Didn't notice any stars so I'm inclined to believe the WeeGees on all points this morning.
I got nuttin'.
Well, I know I got sumpin'. We do everyday. But my head and senses can't focus on any of it. It's there. I just can't see it lately.
*heavy sigh*
Phone has a WIP for the Front Porch Report, doncha Phone.
Trusty looks so cute sitting there with his short little legs.
Time for me to go wake him up.
Have a grand day today, my Fellow Travelers of this most glorious Universe.
Te Quiero!