Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Morning Snow Storm

We're having a Christmas morning snowstorm. BEAUTIFUL!! I really hope no one loses their power.
WeeGees say we are enjoying Light Snow/Freezing Fog, 88% humidity and 5 mph winds that are giving the current temp of 15° a wind chill of 7°. Yeah. It's chilly. But soooo pretty!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Ok, the Weegees have me confused. Oh, by the way, it's no longer morning, it's my bedtime. But I just have to add to this mornings post before I go find my pillow. The low temp forecast tonight, which I always check so I know if I can open my window, is 15°. But the current temp, listed on the very same page, is 7°. Say what? The expected low is 15 but it's currently 7!!!??? Maybe they forgot a digit? Like a 1 or a 2 in front of the 7?
I... They... What?... But... Well, I guess I just have no words.
I did have a very Merry Christmas, tho!
Good night, Travelers.
and sweet dreams.