Friday, December 1, 2017

Equipment, Bells And Whistles

Good morning.
46 degrees is it? I believe the Weegees. Sleeping with my window open every night usually guarantees two things on chilly mornings. First is a total reluctance to throw back the covers and get up. And second, a no holds barred case of horripilation, once the covers are thrown back and getting up gets underway. 46° is not a "reluctant/horripilation" kinda morning. Since I experienced neither reluctance nor goosebumps upon arising this morning, I'm inclined to believe the 46 degree reading.
96% humidity, they say? My usual response to that is, "Okay. If you say so." My response this morning is, "Okay. If you say so."
Winds outta the West at 5 mph. Confirmation of that is forthcoming, once OBACE meanders out the front door.
Overcast is it? Please reread the sentence preceding the word 'Overcast.'
And there you have it. The WeeGees version of the current weather, as conveyed to them by all the equipment, bells and whistles at their disposal.
OBACE is now ready to visit the Front Porch and evaluate the weather with all the equipment, bells and whistles at it's disposal.
Alrighty then.
The WIP for your viewing... something or other. How 'bout just "a WIP for your viewing." That works.
It rained sometime last night. Everything is wet. OBACE agrees completely with the WeeGees assessment of the weather this morning. It even FELT humid. OBACE is equipped to register only two levels of humidity. Either it's "Sweating Bullets", when humidity is high, or "Extreme Dry Skin", when humidity is low. I guess 46° is getting close to the "Sweating Bullets" side of OBACE's humidity meter when coupled with the WeeGees reading of 96%.
I don't wanna do this anymore. My body is threatening me with Monitor Sickness if I continue. 
Wait! I must note that our Flying Squirrel infestation may not be over.
I found one of Mama's baby ostriches knocked off the shelf and broken this morning. Took me a moment to find the head. I'm pretty sure the figurine was still on the shelf when I went to bed last night.
Have a good day, Travelers!
Te quiero mucho!
One more picture of Peanut!
Our adorable pet for 20 minutes.