Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy Birthday L

6° with 45% humidity, 8 mph  West wind with 18 mph gusts and fair skies. A delicious weather recipe served up on a special day.
Happy Birthday L! 
May your day be most awesome!
I love you.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Frozen Nose Hairs

Frozen nose hairs. That ranks way up there as one of the oddest sensations. -15° will freeze those hairs for ya, if ya wanna try it. I have places to be and things to do, so I'm off already. Well, after the weather of course. -15°, 77% humidity, calm winds (thank goodness), and fair skies. And at least another 5 days of this sub zero weather.
Stay warm, Travelers. The body needs it.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Can't Get Out Of My Own Way

Coupla decades ago Baby Sis used a term I had probably heard before but never let register in my head until she said it. It was probably the way she said it that allowed the light to turn on in my brain.
"I can't get out of my own way."
Well, guess what? I can't seem to get out of my own way this morning.
At least I managed NOT to spill anything.
Gonna check the weather now.
And just so it doesn't look like a piece of dust on the screen, that's
as in MINUS, in the negative, BELOW zero or, to sum it up nicely,
Along with that temp we have 86% humidity, calm winds (thank goodness) and fair skies.
I hope Trusty can start this morning. He's having a lot of trouble in that department.
Got nuttin'. Startin' to think 'nuttin' is becoming a permanent state of being.
I'm gonna go pout for a moment and see if I can find something to do while I await the appropriate moment to wake Trusty.
*heavy sigh*
I don't know how he did it, but Trusty started!! What a trusty, Trusty! It was not without a struggle, but he did it!
I only asked Camera to snap one picture while we were out there.

And my coat, the poor thing, reached it's warmth stashing capacity. The 2 minutes I spent out there sapped all the body heat retained in my coat. The cold was creeping in to my skin.
Stay warm, Travelers. If you're somewhere warm already, I'm sure I don't need to tell you to enjoy it.
May a good day be yours, my Fellow Travelers of this most wonderful Universe! 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

West Wind Chill

Good morning. Brrr. Not as brrr as yesterday but -4 degrees is brrr. Add W winds clocking in at 8 mph and we get a -19° wind chill. Did I say brrr? Wrong. It's more like 
And I gotta go out there and wake up Trusty. I sure hope he can. Wake up, I mean. The colder it gets the more his engine struggles to turn over.
Aside from the fair skies and 61% humidity to complete the current weather conditions, I got nuttin'.
'Cept a WIP. Maybe. If my gloved but rapidly freezing fingers can find the shutter button. Time to bundle up. Like Christmas Story Randy or Nanook of the North. Take your pick.
Back I'll be.
Trusty started. It was a struggle, but he did it. I love my Trusty steed.
By the way, it's %&@#%$! COLD out there!!!
Have a great day, Travelers.
I need aspirin...
Wait a sec. A picture by Phone using flash when the lens fogs up.
I think that's what happened...

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Out From Under The Influence

Out from under the influence of Benedryl and awake this morning.
My "visit" to the Front Porch will be of the lightning strike persuasion. I plan to flash to Trusty for his morning wake-up and flash back into the house before the storm door finishes its closing swing. Oh, who am I kidding. Maybe in my youth that could have almost happened. The reason I dream about it happening now is the -9° going on out there at the moment. Yes, once again that is a minus sign in front of that 9, not a dust mote. Thank goodness for calm winds. A wind chill this morning would be a compelling reason to sit down and try to work out a budget where a day off is survivable. 82% humidity and fair skies finish the weather breakfast served up by Mama Nature this morning. And lets not forget the promise of a brisk high temperature of 15° for lunch. 
Whoa! Back Porch just let go with a bang!
Yeech, my coffee is cold... 
now, I ask you, why does cold coffee bring the yeech out in me when I'm gonna take the coffee I don't drink right away to work this morning and pour it over ice to finish it. It's the "not as anticipated" factor, right? I anticipated hot and got cold, therefore the yeech?  Hmmm... Humans. We are funny critters.
Doncha hate a heavy heart. It... hurts to have a heavy heart. Everything sounds so false and trite.
I'll be back shortly, with the standard WIP and more trite attempts at wit.
Funny. I never noticed how funny the word cold looked until boldly capitalized in blue. Suffered a brief moment of "is that spelled right?" Googled confirmed the spelling. It's a tad disconcerting to question the spelling of such a simple word as cold.
Have a great day with little to no disconcerting moments. BUT! If they do happen, let 'em flee from your mind quickly. Pondering them only leads to more perplexingly negative moments. And we know that no moment should be wasted in such a negative manner.
Te quiero, Travelers!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Secret To Shut Up

The secret to shut up, you ask. Benedryl. Talk about being under the influence. If my head could have it's pillow I would be off to dreamland in 2 seconds flat. As for a functioning brain, I got nuttin'.
Nuttin' nuttin' nuttin'.
The current weather conditions, according to the ever so reliably wrong WeeGees are thus:
78% humidity
7 mph West winds
and Fair skies.
The WeeGees go on to predict a high of 23° with winds up to 15 mph and a wind chill factor of -1°. Yes, that is MINUS 1. Not a fleck of dust on your monitor. A WIP will be forthcoming. Soon as I get the engines to start up in OBACE. Oh my word, if I thought I wouldn't sleep thru the alarm, I would lay down for a nap right now!
I did it. I took a nap. 20 minutes worth. And, still I want more.
This is gonna be a long day.
Have a good day, Travelers. I hope you're awake for it. It just won't do otherwise.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Morning Snow Storm

We're having a Christmas morning snowstorm. BEAUTIFUL!! I really hope no one loses their power.
WeeGees say we are enjoying Light Snow/Freezing Fog, 88% humidity and 5 mph winds that are giving the current temp of 15° a wind chill of 7°. Yeah. It's chilly. But soooo pretty!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Ok, the Weegees have me confused. Oh, by the way, it's no longer morning, it's my bedtime. But I just have to add to this mornings post before I go find my pillow. The low temp forecast tonight, which I always check so I know if I can open my window, is 15°. But the current temp, listed on the very same page, is 7°. Say what? The expected low is 15 but it's currently 7!!!??? Maybe they forgot a digit? Like a 1 or a 2 in front of the 7?
I... They... What?... But... Well, I guess I just have no words.
I did have a very Merry Christmas, tho!
Good night, Travelers.
and sweet dreams.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Mama Nature's Christmas Gift

Good Morning and Happy Christmas Eve.
We had an Ice Storm.

It's looking more and more likely that I will not be traveling anywhere tonight or tomorrow. 
I'm not gonna ask Trusty to drive in what I know his short little legs can't handle. A snowstorm is supposed to be moving in tonight sometime and we are in for a 3 to 7 inch accumulation tomorrow. What a great Christmas gift from 
Mama Nature, right?!? I'm gonna love it!
Have a great day today, Travelers.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Most Valid Reason

It's beautiful out there!
19°. Fog/Mist? Ok, they ain't saying it so I will, it's overcast and I can feel... what is the difference between freezing rain and sleet? Hang on, it's Google time.
Aha. Sleet is snow that melted as it passed thru a high thin layer of warm air. Then, upon hitting cold air again, it refreezes into pellets of ice as it falls to the ground. In the same way, freezing rain is snow that melts into rain then refreezes just before or immediately after hitting the ground, because the warm air layer it passes through extends almost all the way to the ground. Gotcha. That explains why the weather forecast predicts both today. Sleet. It accumulates much like snow. Freezing rain. It forms "puddles", if you will, of ice on the roads. Therefore, it is the bringer of black ice. Cars and black ice are not friends.
Back to the weather. 
19°, Fog/Mist, although I didn't see either of those, just an overcast sky, 96% humidity and 5 mph NE winds. I could feel sleet when I thrust Camera and Phone out the door for a WIP. Phone was not happy. It's not used to being abused in such a manner. Camera has come to expect exposure to the elements. Anyway, sleet is a definite happening for today, as it happened all over Camera, Phone and my arm. My arm being the only part of OBACE that made it out on the Front Porch. OBACE will be out shoveling soon enuf. It's appendages are good for more than just climate evaluation.
Snoveling show is done!
Now, I must ready my self for a coffee date with my WONDERFUL daughter! The MOST valid reason to be driving on icy roads.
A Puma, huh?
Have a great day, and be careful out there if you need to be on the roads. Many crazy drivers will be on the same roads, no matter where you live or what the weather.
I just have to say that S knows how to make a FABULOUS Eggs Benedict.
THANK YOU, S!!!! Awesome doesn't adequately describe how delicious it was.
Forgot to hit post.
Hey! How about that rocket launch in California last night? I've seen several, but never one quite that spectacular.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Cold As In

chilly, nippy, gelid (that one always catches me off-guard), freezing, icy, snowy, wintry, frosty, frigid, bitter, biting, raw and bone chilling! I say again, I love a thesaurus!
It's 11° of cold. Trusty's gonna whine a lot when I wake him up. Served up with that 11° is 64% humidity, calm winds and partly cloudy skies. Didn't notice any stars so I'm inclined to believe the WeeGees on all points this morning.
I got nuttin'.
Well, I know I got sumpin'. We do everyday. But my head and senses can't focus on any of it. It's there. I just can't see it lately.
*heavy sigh*
Phone has a WIP for the Front Porch Report, doncha Phone.
Trusty looks so cute sitting there with his short little legs.
Time for me to go wake him up.
Have a grand day today, my Fellow Travelers of this most glorious Universe.
Te Quiero!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Flapdoodling Rubbish

16°, 67% humidity, 6 mph winds and fair skies.
All of the above is suspect until OBACE meanders out onto the Front Porch and takes first hand observations. But not yet. You know, the two birds one stone thing. My rant yesterday about not waking to the alarm (I'm such a hypocrite) must have hurt Alarm's feelings. It sounded so pathetic this morning. Either that or I froze the poor thing, sitting only a scant few inches from my open window. I best be looking for a new clock. Just in case. Speaking of froze, it was almost impossible for me to throw my covers off this morning. So snug and warm in bed, a scant couple of feet from the open window. My face was the only thing expose to the cold air wafting into the room. That wonderful cold FRESH air. Normally, I don't open my window wide when it's below 20 degrees. The WeeGees lied. They forecast a low of 22 last night. Not 16. Can't complain however. I've learned something. Seems my sinuses aren't opposed to 16° air. 20° might not be my cut-off temp when it comes to opening my window.
Oh my word, I need to SHUT UP. What a bunch of drivel.
Moving on.
Moving on to what?
I got nuttin'.
Nuttin' but more codswallop, poppycock, mumbo jumbo, balderdash, twaddle, tommyrot, flapdoodling rubbish.
I absolutely LOVE a thesaurus! I hope none of those are exceeding vulgar.
WIP time is fast approaching. Time to bundle up, like "A Christmas Story's"  adorable Randy (except for the adorable part, the color red and not being able to put my arms down) and waddle out to wake up Trusty. Good ole, Trusty. He's not too fond of alarms either. Actually, it could be the cold mornings he's not fond of. Probably is the cold mornings. OK OK, it IS the cold mornings.
I gotta be done. Even I can't take anymore of this. Camera, WAKE UP! It's time for a WIP. And bring Phone with ya!
Wow, Noche' really stinks this morning. It's creeping down the stairs.
WHOA! Nothing like the popping and creaking of the decks boards to get the blood running. When we first moved here, that first winter sounded like we were under a full scale mortar attack. When the boards pop in the cold it's like a small explosion going off. We were ducking for cover and checking for structural damage. Now, I hardly register the noise except when it's right under my feet or next to my head through the wall. Definitely gets the ticker ticking then.
I feel sorry for the people at work. This is gonna be a verbal diarrhea kinda day.
Have a good day Travelers.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Visit From Jack Frost

Good morning. And a fine morning it is. I woke before the alarm. It's always a good thing to wake before the alarm. A nice, natural awakening has no annoyance or irritation with it. Waking to an alarm on the other hand, the Irritated Meter gets plugged in and running before any thing else. I ask you, is that ANY way to start a morning!? Well, I feel compelled to tell you, it is NOT any good way to start a morning! Um... would you look at that. I'm ranting about not being irritated by the alarm waking me up this morning. Almost like I'm irritated that it didn't. We humans are funny critters.
Time to move on. 
Weather. Yes, we have some. Weather that is. We have some weather. WeeGees claim a 23° morning with fair skies, 5 mph West winds and 100% humidity. Sounds rather chilly. OBACE has not started engines for launch yet. Perhaps it's time... Nope. Not yet. It's too early to wake Trusty. OBACE figures to kill two birds, as they say. A rather morbid term, "kill two birds with one stone." And then there's the "they" in as they say. I know I've said this a hundred times, but just who the hell are "they" and why do we choose to listen to them!? Why do we trust in what "they" say so blindly? Piffle. I've worked the Irritated Meter up to the morning alarm level. We are creatures of habit. I guess I just had to or the morning isn't right. Funny how we get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I'm gonna hafta work on that.
It's OBACE time!
Jack Frost paid a visit last night!! Camera and Phone tried to capture Jack's art work left on Trusty's windshield.


Jack's quite the artist. Phone and Camera tried, but really, it looked a whole lot purdier in person.

Two WIP's today.


Taken only seconds apart. What a difference between them, right?
Vivi Ridi Ama, Travelers!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Lotta Snow Moving Today

Lotta snow moving awaits me today. Using a highly sophisticated and finely calibrated piece of equipment, OBACE ventured outside to measure the total snowfall from yesterdays storm-
OBACE feels confident enough to say we got 6 and 1/2 inches of snow. The WeeGees, or any of their peers, will not be listing the totals for awhile yet. And I can rest assured a Google search for such information will be a pain in the royal tush!! In the meantime the current weather conditions are 21° with overcast skies, calm winds and 96% humidity. They say we have a slight chance of rain this afternoon, then sunny skies. I'm guessing the window for sunny skies is a very narrow one since the sun will be setting a couple of minutes after 4 pm.
I'm waiting for one of the neighbors to start their snowblower. I don't wanna be the first one to shatter the silence this morning.
I'm off to help shatter the silence!

Monday, December 18, 2017

A Day Off

This has been a nice day off. 
Been in me jammies all day watching the snow fall, drinking numerous hot beverages and eating too much.
It has snowed all day. Light fluffy stuff that was easy to shovel off the driveway. That reminds me. I need to shovel the back porch. I'll be back!
There. Now to repeat the process in the morning.
Tonight's WIP displays the snow somewhat. Took many pics before we figured out how to capture the falling snow.
 We have about 4 inches of accumulation so far. And it's still falling. Weather as of right now is, 22° with 100% humidity, calm winds and Light Snow/Fog/Mist.
Quite obviously I still got nuttin' so I'll quit now.
Te quiero, Travelers. And remember-
Viva Ridi Ama

Sunday, December 17, 2017

What's With The Nuttin

I still got nuttin'. Which is WRONG. Because, there is ALWAYS sumpin'. If yer senses are awake to take notice. ALWAYS. Yet I got nuttin'. I need to wake up ...
At 11:02 am, when the above WIP was taken, we had 21°, fair skies, calm winds and 50% humidity. The Junco posing in the picture was preparing for another aerial battle over foraging rights with a Chickadee who managed to avoid Camera. It was beautiful out. Brrrr, but beautiful.
at 4:18 pm, when the above WIP was taken, we had 20°,  fair skies, 7 mph winds and 45% humidity. The sun had set at 4:03. 
Isn't that just riveting info?

More Garden Lights!
The place was sooo beautiful!
Sweet Dreams, Travelers. 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Garden Lights

What a display of lights!
I have no time to babble this morning. Took too long dragging myself out of a warm bed. I'll try to remember to babble tonight after work. No promises, cus my Brain ain't big on remembering stuff.
Weather! I haven't checked the weather!
11°, 92% humidity, calm winds and, I always love this, "a few clouds." Maybe the WeeGee checking the sky can't decide if the percentage of cloud cover calls for partly or mostly cloudy. You'd think the radar readout on the computer would do the math for him/her...
ok, what's the proper pronoun when you are speaking of a single individual and you don't know the gender? C'mon, there's gotta be something other than 'individual.' Or the oh so over used him/her and he/she. I admit to being a bit lazy and I am more than ready to embrace the abbreviated style of writing and speaking that befits this "hurry-up" society we live in. So give me a shorter pronoun for a genderless reference other than "individual.' If you typed like I do, you would understand the necessity for this.
WHOA! Gotta go now!!
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and, just in case I don't get back, Good Night to you, my fellow Travelers.
And much love to you!!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Bacon Time

4:39 and all is 
Breakfast first...back I'll be :)
Hmmm... wonder what that shadow is in the lower left corner of the picture?
Heavy sigh.
Poor Camera. His is an epic struggle in my hands. And yet, he is still snapping pictures.
The ONLY reason I am sharing the above pic is because it shows some rare restraint when it comes to me and bacon. 3 pieces. Only 3 pieces. The pic has 2 in it because I ate one piece before I cut the avocado or rinsed the tomatoes and put them on my plate. However, in honor of "full disclosure" I must add that the other 5 pieces cooked this morning went into my lunch box.
Haven't been out side yet. The Front Porch is enjoying a brisk 2°... no, I did not forget a digit. It really is 2°. To go along with that 2° we have fair skies, 88% humidity and calm winds. Thank Goodness for calm. Wind chill is chilly. Shortly, I will venture out to awaken Trusty. His little heart, um, make that battery, is having to try extra hard to get the blood pumping, um, make that gas flowing.
I feel yer pain, dude.

Trusty took some extra coaxing to get going this morning, but, as befitting his name, he's a Trusty little guy.
Have a good day, Travelers.
May love and Happiness be yours, and don't forget to Live Well, Laugh Often and Love Much.
Te Quiero!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Parenthood And Roller Coasters

The 80's produced some of the best motion pictures ever. Have you seen the 1989 movie Parenthood? One of director Ron Howard's masterpieces, as far as I am concerned. Brilliant casting with a great script. A quote for you (from IMDB, so it could be wrong. But it's close enough) between the main character and his grandmother-
[Gil has been complaining about his complicated life; Grandma wanders into the room]
Grandma: You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Gil: Oh?
Grandma: Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!
Gil: What a great story.
Grandma: I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.
Eight sentences. In Grandma's last quote there were eight short sentences, and she managed to sum up what goes into a great life. It's a roller coaster ride for sure. Feeling great one minute, crying until you're sick to your stomach the next, completely unsure and self conscious a moment later, then laughing hysterically after that. 
She's right. 
Oh, what a ride!
Time to clean the kitchen. I'll be back with the WIP, the weather and maybe some witticisms (such as they are. Or aren't.).
Ok, after a 5 minute search for Phone and Camera I finally found them, hiding in my shirt pockets. Oh, it is to laugh. Ha Ha Hee Hee Ho Ho. Wise arses, the two of 'em.
Weather is such: 16°, fair skies, 5 mph winds and 71% humidity.
Work time.
Have a great day, Travelers
Vivi Ridi Ama

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Bluey Bacon Morning

This feels like another nuttin' day. I'm gonna go nuke some bacon. Wait, the dryer stopped. Gotta go fold some clothes first.
Now the bacon.
Taste buds are happy this morning. They aren't usually fed before coffee. This must be the key to happy buds! Bacon first, THEN coffee. But that poses the question, how happy is that gonna make my heart?
Well, a quick Google search reveals a split in recommendations. One saying fatty meats are not the hearts friend, the other saying recent research may prove otherwise. How has the human race managed to survive so long without the aid of "RESEARCH?" In all fairness to "research" though, I have actually formed a penchant for the activity, or rather it's baby sibling, the 5 minute Google search. But I have SERIOUS misgivings about EVERYTHING I read online. So, I research to my hearts content but take it all with a grain of salt...
a grain of salt? Whadda ya say Google!?
Quick search reveals that one of the phrase's possible origins include Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, regarding the discovery of a recipe for an antidote to a poison. In the antidote, one of the ingredients was a grain of salt. Threats involving the poison were thus to be taken "with a grain of salt", and therefore less seriously.
Uh huh.
Well, this round of research has posed another question in my brain pan. Totally off subject,
I'm wondering now, if the Latin word for salt is the same as the Latin word for wisdom...
No time to Google that one. But you can be assured I WILL be Googling that one!
The current weather is... Phone? Where'd ya go?...
I swear, Phone and Camera have feet!
32° of overcast skies, 7 mph winds and 96% humidity. Still too early at 5:45 to take a WIP so I'll be back inna few minutes. Things to do before I go!
Back I am, and I caught that brief moment of predawn blue!! Check it out-
Beautiful! Not just the bluey dawn but also, a sliver of Luna shining through the clouds and the next door neighbor using that most excellent of winter tools, the Snow Blower! Oh and footprints in the snow!
L's are on the far left. Center we have Dog, maybe? Raccoon? Opossum? 
Tis a mystery!
Gotta go!
Addendum (I love big words that I don't fully understand:):
Latin word for wisdom- sapientiae (so sayeth Google. And we know how reliable THAT is.)
Latin word for salt- salis (so sayeth Google. And we know how reliable THAT is.)
Is there an echo in here?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Nuttin But Nuttin

*heavy sigh*
Staring at a blinking cursor for 10 minutes has conjured up a whole lotta nuttin'. A monitor headache will rear it's ugly head if I continue, so I must concede this is yet another in a long line of nuttin' days.
We still have Mama Nature, the current weather and the Front Porch, tho. Boring, mundane and monotonous as those may be to some, they are reliable as all get out and much loved by moi. Maybe I should include on that list, the ever reliable putrid cup of coffee. The one that stuns my taste buds awake almost every morning. You would think by now my taste buds would be used to the disgusting swill. But, no. 
Time for a Front Porch visit!
What Phone saw.

What Camera saw.

What I saw was somewhere in between. It wasn't quite as light as Phone says, but nowhere near as dark as Camera says.
The predawn bluey should be happening soon. Gotta go see.
My first visit was a brief 5 minute visit. It had begun to snow. A very light snow. I couldn't see it but I could feel it. The current conditions, according to the WeeGees and coinciding with the WIPs above were-
85% humidity
3 mph winds
Light snow/fog/mist
The WeeGees go on to predict snow this morning, rain and snow this afternoon and rain this evening, with a possible 3 to 5 inches of snow accumulation throughout the day.
The second visit Phone Flash revealed what Eyes still couldn't see.
The Snow.
No predawn blue for my viewing pleasure.
Camera Flash revealed the same Snow but with a different take.
And still no blue.
I must say this is a whole lotta babble for a whole lotta nuttin'.
Gotta get Trusty ready for takeoff. We're gonna need at least 30 minutes to make the 10 minute trip to work.
Have a great day, my fellow Travelers.
Enjoy the storm!

Monday, December 11, 2017

I Almost Forgot

... is there such thing as almost forgot? If something is remembered before it is forgot how can it be almost forgotten when it's remembered before forgotten? It's either forgotten or not, right? It's all in the timing, I guess. Timing... a particular point or period of time when something happens. So, if it's forgotten till the last second then remembered, it's almost forgotten. But after that last second passes then the almost part fizzles away into the space-time continuum and it becomes forgotten. Like the almost part never existed. What a bunch of brain pain. Let's get to the FPR before the last second passes and almost goes and gets lost in that space-time thingy
I have a WIP, maybe two. Lemme check.
Two WIPs. The above taken at 1:00 pm when the weather was 38° of  partly cloudy skies, 55% humidity and 5 mph winds. And then the one below taken at 3:16 pm when the weather was 37° of mostly cloudy skies, 54% humidity and 3 mph West winds.
I got nuttin' so we're done here.
Have a good night and may sweet dreams keep you company tonight, my fellow Travelers.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

We Got Snow

Total accumulation is somewhere around 6 inches. WHY is it so hard to find the Official Snowfall Totals!?!? Google you have failed miserably! No matter the wording of the query, Google can't or won't go there.
As Darren McGavin, playing Old Man Parker in the BRILLIANT movie "A Christmas Story" put it-
You filty sicken hookaid! Oh, smelly wok buster! Grout shell fratten house stickle fifer! You bladder puss nut grafter! Dorton hoper... You wart mundane noodle! Shotten shifter paskabah! Snort tonguer! Lame monger snaffa shell cocker!
Here's a WIP taken at 6:52 am-
Mama Nat has donned one of her winter mantles.
The conditions at 6:53 am were 28°, 96% humidity, calm winds and partly cloudy skies.
My hope for a Fairy Island mosey has been cancelled by the snow accumulation total, the possible lack of plowing, the possible denied path access, the lack of proper footwear for some participants and a lack of energy brought on by the tiny amount of shoveling done this morning to try and prep for a timely liftoff. I never made it to the car, let alone the driveway, let alone the walkway! What the h%$#! We're talking a minute amount, minimal, verging on insignificant as far as shoveling goes. And yet I want to do nothing but sit down right now. My growling stomach, begging me for food, can not entice me from a seated position. Not even the promise of cheap shopping, which, I found out, must be done TODAY or not at all, has moved me out of a sedentary position. That's what I get every time I try to pretend I'm an event planner. 
*heavy sigh*
But that's ok! How does Mike Rowe put it? "Just because your passionate about something doesn't mean you won't suck at it.---That’s why I would never advise anyone to “follow their passion” until I understand who they are, what they want, and why they want it. Even then, I’d be cautious. Passion is too important to be without, but too fickle to be guided by. Which is why I’m more inclined to say, “Don’t Follow Your Passion, But Always Bring it With You.”
Again with the
But, where the hell did that come from. Oh, the brain, it is to ponder. But HEY! I just live there. I had nuttin' to do with the architecture. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sposta Get Snow

Sposta get snow today!
I am happy to say I still like the white stuff very much. But I haven't had to work that hard to live with it. Even the bad winter in W. when the snow buried L's car right up to the rear view mirrors, L and his friend S shoveled most of it, while S Jr. watched from inside his snowsuit, sitting on top of a 4 foot snowbank. And the bad winter in B., more than once, G helped me shovel out of the parking lot. And on several occasions, random young men who lived in the apartment buildings around the area, lent a helping hand. Then there was the time I was coming back from living in Georgia, no sooner crossed the border into M. and got a flat tire. In the middle of the night. In the middle of a serious snowstorm. MTA came to the rescue, change my tire while his hands froze and sent me on my way with a smile and a "you're welcome!" I wouldn't have known to call them if it weren't fer Baby Sis. I have been most lucky, greatly appreciative and certainly blessed. 
And now for your viewing pleasure, I bring you today's WIP-
You're right, you're right. The viewing pleasure is a bit of a stretch. In defense of Camera, it does it's best when the light is limited and it's in the hands of a photographer who is several notches below the  armature rating. One who insists on bumping elbows with the beginners, even after all these years.
Camera and my breath had a couple of moments of fun tho!!
It's that time of year!
Baby, it's cold outside.
29° with 89% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. Yep Yep Yep and Yep. The Featherless Goose confirms the temperature, the humidity we take in good faith that the WeeGees know of what they speak, the complete lack of movement in the air kinda confirms there is no wind at the moment and the beautiful Luna gave credence to the fair skies.
Off to work with me now.
Have a good day, Travelers. 
The best day that you possibly can.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Instant Nausea

This does not bode well. First look at the monitor and instant nausea hit me with a strong, sucker punch to the gut. If I could bluster in print I would do so, right now! I just can't figure out how to spell the noises I'm making. Noises of the loud and indignant, rant and raving sort.
If I'm gonna do this I must hurry and I must do it in short segments. Again I say,
I can quickly tell you that the weather is 32°, with 69% humidity, 5 mph West winds and fair skies. Oh, and that when I closed my window this morning there was the biggest star winking at me just above the trees across the street. Probably to low in the sky to see now. I've been up awhile. Sure was pretty. Done fer now. Must be done.
A tasty breakfast. I'm feeling bit better now.
The star had set by the time I got outside. Actually, it's probably a planet. I'm not an astronomer so I can't tell you which one. Well piffle. Hang on... Jupiter. I Googled :) So pretty, shining there, saying good morning. I couldn't have taken it's picture. Too far removed from Camera and Phones capabilities. I'll try for a WIP later. Must stop looking at the monitor NOW! I'll be back.
I'm back. Almost twelve hours later.
So, this calls for an evening WIP-
The current, current conditions are thus (doncha love it when you can use a word like thus and get away with it:)-
35°, 54% humidity, 3 mph SW winds and fair skies. 
Sposta snow tomorrow!
Good night, Travelers.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Didn't Sleep In

Well, I didn't sleep in. Slept good, woke refreshed, and got up at 3:45 am.
I had to go to bed at 8:30 pm for that to happen.
But I didn't need the alarm to wake up. That's always a bonus. A sure fire way to start the day wrong is to be irritated FIRST thing in the morning by an annoying alarm.
Whatever works I guess. My evenings are getting shorter and shorter. Much like the winter days. The only problem is they don't get longer with the changing of the season.
*Heavy sigh*
Moving on. Time to clean up the kitchen while making breakfast. Ya know, Coffee doesn't taste all that putrid today. Must be the cinnamon :)
Back to finish this later!
Yummy! Hamburger patty, half an avocado, half a tomato and some nuked onions for breakfast. My stomach loves me at the moment. Figured ya'all wanted to know that.
Gotta go take a WIP.
It WAS a beautiful blue out on the Front Porch, but not as blue as Camera made the picture. Digital cameras sure take a lot of liberties with colors.
Luna was saying "Hello" this morning.
Have a good day, Travelers.
Sorry fer the nuttin'.
Maybe tomorrow I'll have sumpin'.
May Love and Happiness always be with you.
To the fab 3, I LOVE YOU! I miss you, and I'm always thinking about you!
GIA... one of the most familiar Italian baby names used in the U.S. Short for Giavanna or Gianna, the feminine form of Giovanni, which is the Italian form of John and all of which mean "God's gracious gift."
GIA... my CA. baby girls.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Slept In

Good evening.
30°, 92% humidity, calm winds, fair skies and the WIP to go with it!
I slept in this morning.
I'll try not to sleep in tomorrow. I got NUTTIN' done this morning.
Have a good night, Travelers. May your dreams be of the sweetest kind!!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Sweet Breath Of Air

Good morning.
It's dark out. 
Well, of course it is. Dark out, I mean. At this time of morning, at this time of year, what else would it be?
I feel sooooo much better today. Good enuf to brave the elements and plant my fanny for a moment. A fanny plant this morning calls for a Nanook gearing up against the cold. Where's my coat? And my nimitz? I'm headed out to 30°, calm winds, 88% humidity and overcast skies. That's what the WeeGees say. Time for OBACE...
If it's 30° out there it's a warm 30°. The Nanook gear, while appreciated and very likely extended my stay with the Front Porch, proved to be unnecessary. My everyday jacket would have sufficed and no nimitz were needed. My fingers never got cold.
I have a WIP for you, as mundane as it is.
Hadta use the flash to get this utterly not fantastic picture.
Street light posed flashless for us, as the next door neighbor left for work.
Zoomed in on the Christmas lights down the street. I've seen them every morning for several days. What is that? A snowman? Now I gotta go check it out.
Be right back.
I wanted to go see what the lights were in ninja mode. You'd think, as dark as it is, that would be easy to accomplish. But you can't do that with at least 3 people out and about, who will witness your ninja moves in the street lights. First, the guy across the street, indulging in his favorite mood altering drug, coughed and gave away his position. Then, the guy next door, indulging in his favorite form of smokey vapors, I guess, quietly closed his door. But not quiet enuf. He, too, gave away his position. And third, I saw the light from what may have been a lighter as someone, possibly enjoying some sort of gaseous fumes of their own, lit up not 10 feet from the Christmas lights I wanted to ninja snap a picture of!! So much for my indulging in any smooth moves this morning. Honestly, now that I think on it, I'm pretty sure I used up my quota of smooth moves about 2 decades ago.
May you enjoy your smooth moves while you have them, Travelers.
They are yet another thing that disappears with age.
Love and Happiness, may they always be yours. When it seems they may be gone, they're not. They have not abandoned you. They're waiting for you. Like that sweet breath of air when your head finally breaks the surface of the water.