15° is what we have. 77% humidity, overcast skies and 5 mph winds to go with those degrees. Today's forecast calls for a mostly cloudy sky with a high of 27.
I hit 4 instead of 1 on the microwave. 4 minutes later my coffee is boiling. Probably scorched as well.
Wonder how Baby Baby Sis is doin'.
Wonder how Baby Baby Sis is doin'.
Posta snow tomorrow.
Dinner was good last night.
What exactly is the grippe?
Dinner was good last night.
What exactly is the grippe?
I guess I'm done. Staring at the monitor for 10 minutes has produced nothing but a Google search for an explanation of "grippe" and the Huey Lewis and the News song "I Want A New Drug." A drug, free from side-effects, that will give me a little energy, would be nice. Caffeine ain't doin' it this morning. On the bright side, I didn't scald my tongue. I patiently waited till my new cup of coffee was ready. But, even with coffee, I wanna go back to bed instead of work.