Friday, January 12, 2018

Camera Phone And Wallet

Where's Phone? Where's Camera? Feet! I'm tellin' ya, they got feet!
Here is a perfect example of how my days have been going lately. Just now I went in search of Phone and Camera, the pranksters, found Camera sitting next to my wallet, came back to my computer and spent several seconds trying to find the On switch on my wallet so I could check the weather. I need Phone for that, not Camera and certainly not my wallet. The seriously delayed reaction between my Brain recognizing the fact that my wallet did not have a power switch, that my wallet wasn't Camera like I originally thought and that neither wallet nor Camera would be able check the weather for me because neither of those things was Phone, is a bit unsettling.
...alrighty then...
Where's Phone?
Phone has revealed the current weather conditions, now that the game of hide and seek is over.
43 balmy degrees... balmy. Defined as pleasantly warm or extremely foolish, the latter being a bit archaic. A description quite apropos for this morning temperature. 43° is pleasantly warm after two weeks of subzero weather, but it is a tad foolish to refer to 43° as warm.
It's perfect!
Uhh, where was... ah yes, the current conditions. 43°, 100% humidity, overcast skies and 3 mph winds. Forecast calls for a high of !52°! along with rain and fog today.
Eyes are done for now. Back I will be.
Today's WIP. Brought to you by Phone... 
Wonder why Phone and Camera have never revealed their names. Maybe because of the notion that there is something "off" about someone who names everything. But then, that would make the entire worlds population "off" as we have "named" everything. A personal favorite is the dot above the small I or J. Tittle. Of course, tittle means a tiny amount or part of something, so it's not just naming that dot. But that dot IS a "tittle," or a "superscript dot." Now I ask you, which is easier and more fun to say, superscript dot or tittle?
Phone and Camera just may be dubbed with new monikers!
WIP! It's WIP time!
Never noticed the person walking down the street till I looked at the pictures.
The powers of observation. Mine they are not.
Toodles, Travelers.