Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Ahh, The Fresh Air

Ahh, the fresh air... I woke only once during the night, thanks to my bladder. But, more importantly, I woke this morning with no headache. I must confess, however, getting out of bed was a serious struggle. Toasty warm and snug under the covers, breathing in that cold fresh air, yeah, I wanted very much to stay right where I was. Somehow, I don't know how, I found the will to throw back the covers
This morning the Front Porch is enjoying 24° of crisp, wonderful air and... huh, overcast skies. Really? Won't know for sure till OBACE moseys out the door. What else do the WeeGees say we have? All right then, they claim we currently have calm winds and 91% humidity to go with that overcast sky. And lastly, they are forecasting mostly sunny skies and a high temp of... say WHAT!?
You mean, we're gonna have a genuine heat wave of the non-sarcastic persuasion!? 
Wait a second... the WeeGees are wrong an awful lot of the time. Oh, here we go. My hangy down thing is gonna sling it's favorite epithet if the WeeGees are wrong today. And not just once, either. Oh no! I will completely unleash the Kraken that is "the fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate that hangs above the throat" or, as it is otherwise known, the
Should any of you across the country, suddenly experience an unexpected gust of wind today, that may carry with it the essence of garlic and bad teeth, you'll know I have released the Kraken!
Camera, c'mon. We need a WIP.
Poor Camera didn't have enough light. but Phone did. Definitely overcast.
Have a good day, today and always.
And when life makes the ViviRidiAma seem far away, hang in there. 
You'll find them again, if you do.

One more thing-
Yesterday, while it was snowing, I noticed a couple of Mourning Doves in one of the trees our backyard. This first one looked cold, sitting there all fluffed out, trying to warm his feet.

But the second one...
I wanted to go out and throw a blanket around the poor thing!
The high temperature today was 39°. Close enough to the predicted 40° that the hurling of epithets was unfounded. Uvula is mighty disappointed. Tonight's predicted low is 10°. Do I or do I not open my window? That is the question.
Good night, Travelers.