Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Brain Pain And A Heavy Heart

Papa Whitey's birthday. I cannot remember the year of his birth. Must look that up.
Three days into the New Year and still with the nuttin". Nuttin' but preoccupied brain pain and a heavy heart.
*heavy sigh*
The current weather is such
82%  relative humidity
A possible high today of 25°
And a possible blizzard moving in early tomorrow morning.
Okay. 10 minutes staring at the screen has produced nothing but the promise of a headache. I'll be back when I can add the WIP for today. To early for one yet.
Static electricity. The bane of cold dry winter days. A sudden discharge of this electricity, most especially on the lips, under a fingernail or directly on a tiny injury such as dry cracked skin, is enough to bring about a string of decidedly unsavory and vulgar terminology spewing forth in unrestrained abandon. Even those of us who believe in the "less is best" rule when it comes to profane language, are inclined to overindulge.
owie Owie OWie OWIe OWIE!!
It's WIP time.
Be right back.
Brrr... I gotta go try again. Poor Camera just couldn't get a decent WIP. Maybe Phone will have better luck.
It's the fogging of the lens that's the issue. Took a few pics to get a relatively clear WIP.
Bella Luna

A single star is hiding in this picture.
It's off to work I go...
Te quiero, Travelers.