Friday, January 19, 2018

Mid-morning And To Say The Least

Street musicians are the best. 
Apparently, Drummer Gordo, a wonderful Australian drummer who studied music in Japan, has been a YouTube sensation for quite some time. I have only just now had the pleasure of seeing him perform in a video that Baby Sis shared on Facebook. The man doesn't need drums. Buckets will do.
Incredible talent.
Weather. Front Porch. Camera. Phone. Wip. Weather Guessers.
On with the morning...
The current weather conditions, as reported by the ever unreliable but much loved WeeGees arrrrrrrre... c'mom Phone. You can do it... here we go.
11° = chilly, to say the least
"To say the least?" What's that mean, exactly?
It's GOOGLE time!
Not entirely sure I'm using this term in the proper context. "To say the least" is an understatement used to imply that the reality of a situation is actually worse than stated. I suppose there are far worse expressions that could have accurately described 11°.
Back to the weather... 
92% humidity = no split fingers-at least not yet
calm winds = no wind chill to contend with
overcast skies = possible snow squall sometime during midmorning
Mid-morning? Exactly what time is "mid-morning?"
It's GOOGLE time!
Mid-morning is, and I am quoting Google's top search definition, "the middle of the morning; the time centering around the midpoint between early morning and noon."  Seriously? 
Well, DUH!!!
Further research has produced a tentative time frame of 8 am to 11 am as being mid-morning.
Wip time. C'mon Camera. C'mon Phone. Let's go see what we can do with the predawn light.

Whatever settings are engaged in Phone take a whole lotta liberties with the available light.
I like the pictures Phone takes, but that is not what my eyes see.

 The lack of light with the auto setting makes things difficult for Camera to work with.
Even so, Camera does a much better job at capturing my reality.
May your day be a great day, Travelers.