We had an Ice Storm yesterday.
35° right now.
So sayeth the WeatherGuessers.
We beat the predicted high of 34° for the day. The temp is expected to fall all day as a cold front moves in.
Fair skies right now.
So sayeth the Weegees.
Patchy Fog is supposed to give way to sunny skies as the day progresses.
93% humidity right now.
So sayeth the Weegees.
As always, we take their word for it.
6 mph winds from the West right now.
So sayeth the Weegees.
Confirmation of the preceding will be forthcoming when the Organic Bipedal Anthropomorphic Climate Evaluator starts it's engines and fuels up for a Front Porch visit. Brief as that visit may be, the current conditions are apparent immediately.
Ok. With that last bite of scrambled eggs, OBACE has a full tank of fuel and is ready to meander out onto the Porch for a first glimpse of the coming day.
Phone! Camera! Let's do this.
No wind to speak of. Noisy tho. The trees were dripping from the melting ice on their branches.
Lotsa stars shining in the sky. Purdy. Only a couple were bright enuf to come thru in the WIP.
Gotta go prep Trusty for a perilous trip to work. Glad work is only 4 miles away.
Stay warm, Travelers. It does a body good.
May Love and Happiness be yours.