Monday, January 29, 2018

Chicken Tacos And Ashtabula

Chicken tacos. It's 10 am and all I can think about is chicken tacos for dinner. It's so happenin'.
Weather. On with the weather.
The Weather Guessers have consulted their oracles, Thermometer, Hygrometer, Anemometer and Satellite Radar, to bring us their best guess of the current and near-future weather conditions. Thermometer claimed a current temp of 27°. Seemed a whole lot warmer out there, whilst standing comfortably on the Front Porch.
Hygrometer claimed a current humidity level of 49%. Yeah. It's definitely been dry lately. My cracked fingertips always give that away.
Anemometer claimed a wind speed of 6 mph. Yep. It was definitely breezy out there, but it felt so good! Must go out and enjoy more of it.
And last but certainly not least, 
Satellite Radar has proclaimed the skies to be fair. Liar. (Uvula is still asleep.) There is a definite haze out there that the sun is struggling to burn off. Fair skies, my Ashtabula. 
I'm thinking maybe I should one day go visit Ashtabula, since I use the name so indiscreetly. Ohio seems like a foreign land. One that nobody thinks about when planning a vacation. And yet it is the birthplace of my father. Ohio is. Not Ashtabula.
It might actually be a nice place. Maybe. Possibly. Could be.
I blame A League Of Their Own for my indiscretion.
Genna Davis playing Dottie Hinson:"No thanks."
Jon Lovitz playing Ernie Capadino: "No thanks? Hey, no skin off my Astabula. You wanna stay here plucking cows that's your business."
Genna Davis playing Dottie Hinson: "You know what? You're not nice."
Jon Lovitz playing Ernie Capadino:"Ooooo, that one hurt. So long milkmaids."
A GREAT movie, by the way.
That bright spot between the trees in the upper left is the sun trying to peek through the cloud cover, haze cover, marine cover, whatever they call it.
Done here. Must be done here. Things to do and places to be.
Have a great day, my beloved Travelers.

Ernie Capadino: Hey, no skin off my ashtabula.