Stepped out to quiet. Camera took some liberties with the blue in this mornings WIP. My eyes didn't see that beautiful blue. It was pretty out, but I was seeing more of a gray-blue.
I did see the star winking at me from behind the tree limbs in the upper right quadrant.
Hard to see in the WIP, but Camera had the foresight to zoom in. What a good Camera.
Easier to spot...
I hear Crows.
Wonder if they came back for more goodies.
Must go see!
Perhaps these are the same 4 I fed a couple of days ago.
Almost 7 am. My deadline. So I'm off to grab a coffee with the last of the balance on my Starbucks Gift Card. Thank you once again, Baby Baby Sis. I've been enjoying the coffee! A HUGE step up from the vile tasting liquid I make in the morning.
Weather! Almost forgot the weather!
40°. That explains why Cute and Horrid stayed asleep while I was outside. 86% humidity, calm winds and fair skies... hang on a sec... that's what I thought. The weather updated a couple of minutes ago. It is 38° at the moment, with 89% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. I'm pretty sure that is the last of the "just before dawn" temperature drops for this morning. Should start warming up now.
A Great Grand and Glorious day be yours, Travelers. Be sure to enjoy as much of it as you can!