Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Time Escapes Me

I have no time to play today. It somehow managed to escape me. Time, that is. Now that I've found it again all my play time is gone already.
63° with 97% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. 
Yep. No arguments, disagreements, quarrels, clashes or as the French would say
The WeeGees called it right this morning.
It's gorgeous on the Front Porch.
No visitors. Well, none that would allow a picture taken. Many little birds were flying around the tops of the trees. but the pictures look like... well... trees with leaves. I'm sure some of those pixels were birds but there was no way of telling which pixels belong to the birds and which to the leaves.
Color sure is pretty, tho.
Have a good day, Travelers.
I must be off!