Yummy. I just had a HUGE piece of apple pie. Was it ever GOOD!
The following WIP was taken at 9:51 am.
The temp was 54° of gorgeous, accompanied by 57% humidity, 5 mph winds with gusts up to 18 mph and the skies were... what? Clear? Uh, noooo, they are most definitely NOT clear. Although some of the most brilliant blue skies I've ever seen were peeking thru the clouds, it was definitely a mostly cloudy sky.
I got nuttin' this morning.
Have a great, grand and glorious day.
Doncha just hate grocery shopping?
Forgive me for dropping the H bomb. Let me try again.
Doncha just very highly, most decidedly, truly thoroughly, particularly exceedingly and really immensely dislike grocery shopping?
I find myself completely lost in the grocery store anymore. EVERYTHING, and I literally mean EVERYTHING, is BAD for you. Right down to all fruits and veggies being so covered with insecticides and fertilizers that they're probably radioactive and/or toxic. Or, they are organically grown in soil so depleted of nutrients there is zero nutritional value in them. Or, they are genetically modified to the point of not actually being food anymore, so your body doesn't know how to process it. And how about the seafood so toxic they recommend you only eat it once a year or not at all if your pregnant. Don't get me started on beef, pork or chicken.
*heavy sigh*
Yet, somehow, even with the population as massive as it is, there is chicken at the store when I want it. Grapes and watermelon almost year round. And always bread on the shelf. That is a truly amazing accomplishment. To feed the masses. 323 million. Hundreds of MILLIONS! That's an ENORMOUS amount of people. We live in a country that is still trying to feed it's population.
I am thankful for that.