Saturday, October 7, 2017

Esotropia And The Crows

I pulled into my fav parking spot at work yesterday morning and good ole Esotropia was sitting on the ledge above me, stalking the Crows.
I haven't seen Crossedeyes in months and months. I am glad to say that Crossed is smart enough not to seriously try and take on a Crow, let alone the 5 he was stalking. He kept his fantasy tiger in check and just dreamed. 
In between sneezes.
The following picture is his pre-sneeze face.
I wasn't quick enough or lucky enough to catch the sneeze face, which was hilarious! What a sneezing fit. At least four (Merriam Webster here) 'sudden violent spasmodic audible expulsions of breath through the nose and mouth'.
Must suffer from allergies, bless his pointed little ears. Or hers, whichever he/she may be.
I need to go out and take a morning WIP.
We have 48°, 98% humidity, calm winds and overcast skies that the WIP cannot properly illustrate.
Overcast... humm...
World Meteorological Organization defines overcast as the meteorological condition of clouds obscuring at least 95% of the sky.
In that case,  OBACE concurs with the WeeGees assessment of the weather conditions at this moment. Way to go, WeeGees!
Have a wonderful day, Travelers. Aren't they the best days to have!?