Saturday, October 21, 2017

Shooting Star

Good morning. It is 41° with fair skies, 86% humidity and calm winds. OBACE opted for protective gear this morning. This was to facilitate a warmer, extended stay on the Front Porch. An extended stay for the sole purpose of witnessing the Orionid Meteor Showers. I  watched and waited. And I waited and watched. Then, I watched and waited some more. Nothin'. 
*heavy sigh* 
It didn't help that the sky was illuminated with light noise from the city. And riddled with clouds. Riddled, yes, but not so much that the clouds exceeded the 40 percent limit allowed by the National Weather Service when describing the skies as 'fair'.
*heavy sigh* 
Finally, I got up and moseyed over to the street, into the light cast by the streetlight, to play with Shadowself for a moment.

Thank you, Streetlight.

I gave up on the meteor shower and headed back to the warm house and was caught by the sparkly green lights on the tree in the back yard.
 Yeah,,, ya hadta be there.

After noticing, then pondering, the fact that I left the lights on in my living room, which is the only thing barely visible in the last picture, I headed back to the Front Porch. But, before reaching for the door handle, I turned around for one last look. And there it was! A shooting star streaked across the sky for a brief second. How immensely gratifying the sight of that lovely, intense light was.
May the wishes, made on the Shooting Stars in your life, come true for you, Travelers.
Gotta go!
Gotta 7 am time-clock punch in this morning.
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Food for the brain is plentiful.