Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I have the hiccups. I haven't had the hiccups in a long long time. On the Front Porch, amid all that wonderful quiet, the sound was like a small pistol being fired off at regular intervals. How incredibly annoying. I don't like being annoyed. Ruins the moment. A moment I cannot have back to re-spend. Humphf!
No visitors today. No surprise there, what with the noise I was involuntarily making. Not even my Shadowself could come out and play. Not light enough yet.
It's lovely on the Front Porch. Have a look.
It's a delightful 49°. Really. No sweater needed. The humidity is at 97%, the winds are calm and the skies are fair. Way to call it, WeeGees. Yer gettin' good at this.
There was a pretty moon peeking thru the trees this morning.
Does Luna count as a visitor?
Where are you, Luna? I know you were there.
Aha! Not much of a portrait, I admit. 
The trees wanted the attention this morning.
The twins do look lovely, shedding the last of their leaves.
Must be tough, going thru the whole winter naked as a Jay bird. 
Naked as a Jay bird?
It's Google time!
No definitive answer. One source says it's an "old saw", a made-up term. Well, DUH. ALL terms are made up one way or another! Another source says that it's because baby jays are more naked than other baby birds. A baby bird is quite often born featherless. How can one naked species be more naked than the other? Humphf! But here is one that makes a little more sense. Supposedly, the U.S. penal system in the 20's and 30's gave new inmates their welcome "kit", then sent the newbie to the showers. After the shower and delousing, they were then made to walk through the prison, to their cell, naked. And since prisoners were called jailbirds at the time, aka j-birds, this gave birth to the term "naked as a j-bird".
I guess.
I cannot leave this post on such a depressing note so allow me to present a repeat picture-
Psycho Kitty Maine style
Psycho Kitty California style
I love my Grandkitties!
Have a good day, Travelers!