In the movies, when the characters are filming a movie and the director hollers "lights, camera, action!", the lights part is pretty important. Camera is completely dependent on the presence of light. My eyes can see more than Camera can in the dark. For instance, my eyes saw and were dazzled by the plethora (doncha love that word:) of stars in the sky this morning. Poor Camera saw this-
I know, right!?
That tiny little pixel of white in the middle is pretty much the only star Camera could see on the night setting.
I could see and hear the neighbor down the street getting in his car and leaving for work. Camera saw this-
I know, right!?
On a LARGE computer screen, a tiny bit of detail can be observed but not much. So, I took pity on Camera and did something I rarely do. I turned on the flash. This is what Camera saw with the aid of said flash-
I know, right!?
Even with a flash, Camera is pretty helpless in the dark. Poor thing.
That being said, the WIP can be any of the above pictures because no picture taken at this time in the morning is going to illustrate the weather. Weather which is pleasant. No Cutis. No Horripilation. No sweater needed. 40°, 93% humidity, calm winds and... what?... SAY WHAT!? OVERCAST!? Really!? Please explain to me, oh Weather Guessers extraordinaire, how it is that I can see a PLETHORA!!! of stars this morning... you get that, right? A PLETHORA!! Do I need to direct you WeeGees to a dictionary for a definition of PLETHORA!? How is it I saw a PLETHORA of stars in an OVERCAST sky!? Oh, it is so happening this morning! Uvula, prepare yourself!
!!! LIARS !!!
They SO deserved that one!
Well, my uvula is happy now.
May you have a fabulous day today and all days, my Fellow Travelers. And
I hope your day is beyond fabulous and in the realm of FANTASTIC!
May Love and Happiness be yours!