Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!
42° with clear skies, 79% humidity and 5 mph winds out of the southwest. So sayeth the computer. I'm thinkin' the Phones source for the weather report had it's weather station taken out by the high winds yesterday. Still no update on the WeeGees site. Well now. Funny to find myself missing them so much. Come back, you inept WeeGees! I miss you!
Feels good on the Front Porch.
Three stars? Seriously!? I saw just the one dead center when Camera took this! I love it when a picture surprises me!
Dawn is breaking.
Because of yesterdays storm, and the incredible amount of homes and businesses that are currently powerless, officials have asked that we "postpone" Halloween Trick or Treating until Friday. VERY good idea. The roads are too dangerous yet, what with the downed power lines, lack of street lights and fallen trees all over the place.
Got nuttin'.
So I'm going to work now.
I'm glad I got that.
May you always love your job so you never hafta work.
Good day to you, Travelers!
Baby Sis, I hope roof, car and life are put back to rights quickly.
After a quick proof read, I can see that on Phone the only thing showing in the pictures is the dark.
My monitor shows so much more.
Must remember that when next I choose a pic to share. Be nice if there was actually something to see.

Monday, October 30, 2017

No Thunder

But no thunder.
What a storm!
Woke up to the sound of a tree or large tree limb breaking somewhere nearby. Could easily have been mistaken for thunder. We have had a lot of lightning flashes. But it wasn't thunder I heard. Another tree or limb broke about 20 minutes later.
Can't get a current ... oh yes I can. Phone may not be able to get a current weather update, but Computer can!
63°. cloudy, 91% humidity and 16 mph winds with 22 mph gusts. Things have calmed down considerably. At 4 am we had 61°, 93% humidity, overcast skies and winds gusting at 37 mph. That site on the Phone hasn't updated since.
A 7:30 am WIP
It's pretty out, for sure. But I must admit, the winds before dawn had my heart racing once or twice. My heart goes out to anyone who has had to endure hurricane force winds. I can't imagine what that's like.
I have nowhere to go today, I'm rested and energized and we have power. So, I'm thinking a good, long overdue, house cleaning is in order!
Have a good day, Travelers.
May Love and Happiness be yours,
 today and always.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Dubious Prognostication Skills

Aren't S's flowers purdyful!?

The current weather conditions, according to the oft times erroneous and completely inaccurate talents of the poor Wee Gees, are 58 delightful degrees, 90% humidity, 6 mph southerly winds and overcast skies. We are currently enjoying the calm before the storm.
I guess we have a pretty serious storm fixin' to pass thru this area tomorrow. One of those "hunker down, batten the hatches, nail it down, get the candles out and stock the cupboards" kinda storms. Yeah. We'll see. The dubious prognostication skills of the Weather Guessers leaves me with a head full of doubt. BUT! My head also likes to prepare for the worst. Best get to the store, at least for half n half. Let meself run out. It makes coffee a little less vile and putrid. *heavy sigh* I don't wanna! -insert serious whining here- Do you have ANY idea how crowded the store is gonna be!? EVERY storm, at least in this neck of the woods, brings out the "gotta go get batteries and water" shoppers. I've always wondered what these shoppers do with all the batteries and water they bought before the previous storm. Which was just a few days ago. It wasn't a serious storm, like tomorrows is supposed to be, but the "bat and wat" shoppers filled the stores for that one as well! Why!? Why did I let myself run outta half n half today!? WHY!?
I have to say to myself , "QUITYERBELLYACHIN' and just get to the store already!"
Oo! Maybe there will be an interesting photo op! One never knows when they'll pop up!
Phone, Camera, get ready to brave the crowds! Trusty, here we come! We got this!
Have a great day, my most beloved Fellow Travelers!
And may all the storms in your life be weathered well!
*heavy sigh*
It's one of "THOSE" mornings.
Headed out the door with my constant companions, Phone and Camera, but forgot keys and wallet.
Can't drive without keys and can't buy without wallet.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Nuttin' Caused Desperate

The leaves in the M Woods were noisy. Sounded like there was a soft rain hitting them, but the skies are clear. Falling pine needles, perhaps. Nope, nothing falling. Crackling? It got pretty cold last night. Could be that. Sounded like the trees were whispering. Kinda cool.
Got nuttin'. Not even a WIP. WAY too dark. Camera did have fun with my breath.

Getting kinda desperate here. Quitting while ahead.
Have a ....
 Hold it. We need the weather report. Phone is struggling for a signal this morning.
moving to wait somewhere...
Hadta go outside, turn off Phone and turn Phone back on, to get a signal. And within 60 seconds Phone lost the signal again.
I got the weather report before the service decided to ignore us again.
36°, 93% humidity, calm winds and fair skies.
Yep, yep, yep and yep.
Total concurrence.
Toodles, Travelers.
May your day be productive, fun and sense indulgent.
Love and Happiness to you! 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Definitions In Lieu Of Nuttin'

Slept good last night. Real good. No 1:30 am, gas producing (oh my word!) mac n cheese and tortilla chip, snacks. Just wonderful slumber. 
My taste buds, the clusters of bulbous nerve endings on the tongue and in the lining of the mouth that provide the sense of taste, they like me at the moment. Breakfast is being chewed as we speak, or typed, actually. Is that too much info? And coffee is tasting pretty good. It's the cinnamon. 
Poor nose, the projecting part above the mouth on the face of a person or animal, containing the nostrils and used for breathing and smelling,
(I love definitions.) Anyway, poor nose is stuffy this morning. Can't smell a thing. Could be that's why coffee tastes good this morning.
First thing that caught the eye, globular organs in the head through which people and vertebrate animals see, was how colorful my plate full of breakfast was. The plate itself, pure, beautiful white. No design. But the scrambled eggs, tomato and avocado looked so colorful! Delish too. Went down in record time. 
My skin feels, feel- sensation given by an object or material when touched. Back to my skin. Feels rather good this morning. Well, the tips of my fingers are already giving me the split fits. But the rest of that particular organ seems good. I only mention it, because this is a rare occurrence for my epidermis, bless it's cell sloughing self.
My ears, the organs of hearing and balance able to perceive sound, have been serenaded this morning by the sound of the oh so talented yodeling of Miss Noche'. I love her voice.
*heavy sigh*
Where's Phone?
Got it. Phone plays a mean game of Hide and Seek. I think it's sulking. It's refusing to connect with the world and give me the weather. Certainly not the end of the world. Wait, there it is. 47°... really? It felt much warmer out there. 83% humidity... really? It felt humid to the max out there. 6 mph winds... really? It felt calm out there. Fair skies... really. I mean, REALLY. The skies were fair. :)
Oh boy, I must shut up already! I'm a babbling fool, who so obviously has nothing to say.
Have a great day, Travelers, cus you deserve it!
Vivi Ridi Ama

A WIP! Must add a WIP!
Not for artistic or sparkly value, but because it has become tradition for the Front Porch Report.

And a pic of the single visiting Star
It wasn't that blue out.
At least, I don't think so.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sleep Deprived Funk

I got nuttin'.
I got pictures.
Unremarkable pictures.

But I guess you knew that.

I'm thinkin' ya know that, too.

Grackles... maybe.
I don't know.
I'm thinkin', if you know, maybe you'll let me know?

It's a bird?
It's a plane?
It's a contrail?
Wait, it's all three!
But where's Superman? 

We got weather.
60° with light rain, 96% humidity and 3 mph winds from the NE.
Going on our 3rd day of rain.
Boy, do we need it.
I'm so done this morning... wait. No I'm not.
I need a WIP.
Phone says absolutely not, but Camera is game.
Well, as much as Camera may be game, the absence of light makes it difficult. Bless it's pointed little lens.  
We got the sparkly rain with the flash.

Coffee isn't working.
Apparently, 3 and a half hours of sleep is proving to be a challenge for caffeine.
I so need to shut up now!
May your day be spent wide awake and refreshed.
They're too precious to be spent in a sleep deprived funk.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Drink Of Water

When did I start slurping my coffee!? Every sip taken this morning has been loud and... and... well, SLURPY! Have I always slurped or just now noticing how peace-shattering it sounds in a perfectly quiet house? NOT a pleasant sound. 
Okay... no slurp that last sip. Nice and quiet and dainty-like. 
OH, for Pete's sake!?,
I am bound and determined to fill the silence this morning with vulgar noises. Shouldn't have said that... there are worse noises I could be making... wow, I have a filthy monitor screen... I need to go make my lunch... oh! Is it raining out!?
It's raining out! Rained yesterday, too! What is it about stormy weather that interferes with the phone service? I can't get the weather report. Well, that's a fine how do you do! Me and the WeeGees have a relationship that relies on the morning report. Stupid service... ok, I'm over it. Lets see if the computer will give me the weather.
64° (stupid phone service), with heavy rain at the moment which means overcast (duh), no humidity listed and the winds are (stupid phone service) 16 mph out of the South.
Picture if you will a Cat who doesn't want a bath and to prevent this bath it doesn't want, it straddles whatever tub the bath is to take place in with all four limbs and then proceeds to dig in for all it's worth, to keep from going into the water. Got that picture? Now replace the Cat in that picture with a Cell Phone that has suddenly sprouted legs. That was my Phone this morning at the Front door.
 We never made it to the Porch. Phone was not going out into that rain. No. Huh-uh. NOT happenin'.
Hey! The weather! Phone decided to cooperate. 65°, 93% humidity, 12 mph winds from the South with gusts up to 22 mph and Heavy Rain/Fog/Mist, accompanied by a local Flood Advisory until 8:30 am. Explains why Phone balked at the door.
I think I drank too much coffee this morning. Did I even attempt a WIP? Yes, I remember I did. Camera, who was much more agreeable with the notion of going out, BRIEFLY, into the rain, was playing with the flash.
The rain showed up as Sparklys in Camera's light!
Have a great grand and glorious day today. I am going to go to work now. On my way, I am going to enjoy the rain. And also, the sound of a thirsty Earth and all it's flora, at least in this neck of the woods, taking a long drink of much needed water.
Live Laugh Love, My Fellow Travelers of this Incredible Universe.
And remember to

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Orange Morning

I stepped out to an orange morning! Poor Camera tried to capture it but couldn't, because of the builtin liberties a digital camera takes with color. The sky was on fire and Camera couldn't catch it!
The sky was so orange it cast that beautiful hue on everything. 
So beautiful!

These pics come nowhere near showing what I was saw.
Wish you could've seen it!
May you have many Orange Mornings of your own, Travelers. They're amazing!

Monday, October 23, 2017

I Don't Like Nuttin' Much

Wow. Got nuttin' this morning.
We always got that.
At 8 am we had 53° with fog/mist, 96% humidity and calm winds.
Yep. It was a tad damp out there.

The Jack-o-lantern decorations across the street.
Love 'em.
Have a glorious day today Travelers!
Peel them eyeballs open if ya can.
Find the 6 L's.
Enjoy the big D.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Bacon And M Island

I remembered that I forgot to post today. I remembered that I forgot before today became tomorrow. That's good because tomorrow I would have been forced to say I forgot if I hadn't remembered. Remembered that I forgot, I mean. Which I didn't, because I remembered today instead of tomorrow.
Yeah, okay, I'm done now.
Today was an awesome day.
At 8:15 am
 we had fair skies, calm winds, 93% humidity and 48 wonderful degrees. Started the day with BACON! at the FGC with N. She suggested a nature walk so we went to M Island. What a beautiful day for a walk! At 11 am the temp was 61°, 70% humidity, fair skies with a 5 mph breeze.
Pictures. I must share pictures!
(Of course.)

I'm "Tum Pluckered"
I see me going to bed now.
I hope your day was great and your night is even better.
Sweet Dreams, Travelers!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Shooting Star

Good morning. It is 41° with fair skies, 86% humidity and calm winds. OBACE opted for protective gear this morning. This was to facilitate a warmer, extended stay on the Front Porch. An extended stay for the sole purpose of witnessing the Orionid Meteor Showers. I  watched and waited. And I waited and watched. Then, I watched and waited some more. Nothin'. 
*heavy sigh* 
It didn't help that the sky was illuminated with light noise from the city. And riddled with clouds. Riddled, yes, but not so much that the clouds exceeded the 40 percent limit allowed by the National Weather Service when describing the skies as 'fair'.
*heavy sigh* 
Finally, I got up and moseyed over to the street, into the light cast by the streetlight, to play with Shadowself for a moment.

Thank you, Streetlight.

I gave up on the meteor shower and headed back to the warm house and was caught by the sparkly green lights on the tree in the back yard.
 Yeah,,, ya hadta be there.

After noticing, then pondering, the fact that I left the lights on in my living room, which is the only thing barely visible in the last picture, I headed back to the Front Porch. But, before reaching for the door handle, I turned around for one last look. And there it was! A shooting star streaked across the sky for a brief second. How immensely gratifying the sight of that lovely, intense light was.
May the wishes, made on the Shooting Stars in your life, come true for you, Travelers.
Gotta go!
Gotta 7 am time-clock punch in this morning.
Live Laugh Love Look Listen Learn
Food for the brain is plentiful.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Feeling Sentimental

*heavy sigh*
Camera's startin' to feel a bit put out about the photographic opportunities presented lately. Not that there aren't some wonderful, highly photogenic subjects all around the Front Porch everyday. But the lack of light in the morning is cramping Camera's style.
The standard WIP. 
A WIP that cannot do it's job 
and properly illustrate this mornings weather conditions.

And here,
Camera caught the neighbor leaving for work again.

One more.
A pic of that beautiful bluey, predawn sky.

Choose any of the three to serve as the failed WIP. Although, the third one actually does show the fair sky. We have 47° of nice air to go along with that fair sky. Humidity is at 90% this morning and the winds are calm. Good job, WeeGees. (I'm trying to encourage them. Maybe they'll attempt to do a better job.) 
Got Nuttin'. 
Except my daily wish for Love and Happiness going out to you this morning. But that goes out to you every morning, whether said or not. So many faces of those I love flash thru my head everyday. Be true to you and who you are. I love you all.
Just the way you are!
May this day be joyous and full of wonderful things for you.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Plethora Of Stars

In the movies, when the characters are filming a movie and the director hollers "lights, camera, action!", the lights part is pretty important. Camera is completely dependent on the presence of light. My eyes can see more than Camera can in the dark. For instance, my eyes saw and were dazzled by the plethora (doncha love that word:) of stars in the sky this morning. Poor Camera saw this-
I know, right!? 
That tiny little pixel of white in the middle is pretty much the only star Camera could see on the night setting.
I could see and hear the neighbor down the street getting in his car and leaving for work. Camera saw this-
I know, right!?
On a LARGE computer screen, a tiny bit of detail can be observed but not much. So, I took pity on Camera and did something I rarely do. I turned on the flash. This is what Camera saw with the aid of said flash-
I know, right!?
Even with a flash, Camera is pretty helpless in the dark. Poor thing.
That being said, the WIP can be any of the above pictures because no picture taken at this time in the morning is going to illustrate the weather. Weather which is pleasant. No Cutis. No Horripilation. No sweater needed. 40°, 93% humidity, calm winds and... what?... SAY WHAT!? OVERCAST!? Really!? Please explain to me, oh Weather Guessers extraordinaire, how it is that I can see a PLETHORA!!! of stars this morning... you get that, right? A PLETHORA!! Do I need to direct you WeeGees to a dictionary for a definition of PLETHORA!?  How is it I saw a PLETHORA of stars in an OVERCAST sky!? Oh, it is so happening this morning! Uvula, prepare yourself!
!!!  LIARS  !!!
  They SO deserved that one!
Well, my uvula is happy now.
May you have a fabulous day today and all days, my Fellow Travelers. And 
I hope your day is beyond fabulous and in the realm of FANTASTIC!
May Love and Happiness be yours!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Winking Star and Four Crows

Stepped out to quiet. Camera took some liberties with the blue in this mornings WIP. My eyes didn't see that beautiful blue. It was pretty out, but I was seeing more of a gray-blue.
I did see the star winking at me from behind the tree limbs in the upper right quadrant.
Hard to see in the WIP, but Camera had the foresight to zoom in. What a good Camera.
Easier to spot...
I hear Crows.
Wonder if they came back for more goodies. 
Must go see!
Perhaps these are the same 4 I fed a couple of days ago.
Almost 7 am. My deadline. So I'm off to grab a coffee with the last of the balance on my Starbucks Gift Card. Thank you once again, Baby Baby Sis. I've been enjoying the coffee! A HUGE step up from the vile tasting liquid I make in the morning.
Weather! Almost forgot the weather!
40°. That explains why Cute and Horrid stayed asleep while I was outside. 86% humidity, calm winds and fair skies... hang on a sec... that's what I thought. The weather updated a couple of minutes ago. It is 38° at the moment, with 89% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. I'm pretty sure that is the last of the "just before dawn" temperature drops for this morning. Should start warming up now.
A Great Grand and Glorious day be yours, Travelers. Be sure to enjoy as much of it as you can!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Well I Played Too Long

I played too long this morning.
Now I gotta hurry this along.
31°!?! It's 31° out there? No wonder I'm chilly this morning. Shoulda boosted the heat up a bit. But I'm not goosebumpily chilly. The humidity is at 89%, the winds are calm and the skies are fair. 
At least, so sayeth the WeeGees. 
Lets get OBACE up and running and go see if the cute cutis anserina or the horrid horripiliation shows up this morning. Protective gear or no? No. No gear. OBACE gets mixed reading with the protective gear on.
Into the 31 we go!
Pinky fingers froze in seconds. Haven't acclimated to the weather change yet.
A standard WIP for a weather visual. Just apply "cold and crisp" to the picture and it says it all.
The WeeGees called it this morning. Good job weather guessers!
I didn't hang around the Front Porch long enuf to receive any visitors, even if there were any willing to be received. My frozen Pinkys loudly insisted on a retreat back inside to the warm. I obliged.
I did try to get a picture of a hawk that flew overhead. Beautifully flew. Nice and slowly flew, I might add. But I have developed a gift for pointing the camera too high or too low when zoomed.
In this case I can say without any doubt, the lovely hawk was WAY above the trees when I took this shot. 
*heavy sigh*
If this were how I drove, I NEVER would have gotten my drivers license. There are just some things we weren't born to do, I guess, no matter how much we might love it.
Have a great day, Travelers. Give everything you have an interest in a solid attempt. Who knows where you might find your talent. But be prepared to be surprised that it's not where you thought!
But, good, bad or mediocre, don't be afraid to continue enjoying what you love.
I LOVE taking pictures! I plan to take them as long as I have a device that will let me.
Good, bad or otherwise.

Monday, October 16, 2017

To Feed The Masses

Yummy. I just had a HUGE piece of apple pie. Was it ever GOOD!
The following WIP was taken at 9:51 am.
The temp was 54° of gorgeous, accompanied by 57% humidity, 5 mph winds with gusts up to 18 mph and the skies were... what? Clear? Uh, noooo, they are most definitely NOT clear. Although some of the most brilliant blue skies I've ever seen were peeking thru the clouds, it was definitely a mostly cloudy sky. 
I got nuttin' this morning.
Have a great, grand and glorious day.
Doncha just hate grocery shopping?
Forgive me for dropping the H bomb. Let me try again.
Doncha just very highly, most decidedly, truly thoroughly, particularly exceedingly and really immensely dislike grocery shopping? 
I find myself completely lost in the grocery store anymore. EVERYTHING, and I literally mean EVERYTHING, is BAD for you. Right down to all fruits and veggies being so covered with insecticides and fertilizers that they're probably radioactive and/or toxic. Or, they are organically grown in soil so depleted of nutrients there is zero nutritional value in them. Or, they are genetically modified to the point of not actually being food anymore, so your body doesn't know how to process it. And how about the seafood so toxic they recommend you only eat it once a year or not at all if your pregnant. Don't get me started on beef, pork or chicken. 
*heavy sigh*
Yet, somehow, even with the population as massive as it is, there is chicken at the store when I want it. Grapes and watermelon almost year round. And always bread on the shelf. That is a truly amazing accomplishment. To feed the masses. 323 million. Hundreds of MILLIONS! That's an ENORMOUS amount of people. We live in a country that is still trying to feed it's population. 
I am thankful for that.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

I Need To Be Out There

It is beautiful outside!
This morning it was foggy when I left the house to have BACON with N. Thank you, N, so much! Aren't the botanical garden light show pictures awesome? Can't wait to see it!
Anyway, when I left this morning, it was 61° and foggy, with 100% humidity and 7 mph winds out of the South. I stepped out on the Front Porch to a colorful rain of leaves!! I wish you could have seen it. It was beyond beautiful.
Right now the conditions are 64°, 90% humidity, 9 mph winds from the South and overcast skies. I need to be out there! I gotta cut this short and go enjoy this day.
But first a WIP

Now, I'm off. I must go love this day!

May all your days be beautiful
And special in their own kind of way. 
Much LOVE I wish for you, my Fellow Travelers!

Well, not really an addendum. More of an attachment, I guess.
Whatever, right!?
ATV trail near our house.
A nice quiet trail at the moment.
Good for a tiny walk to enjoy this day!
Good ole Trusty. Waiting patiently for me to return.
Life is Good