Friday, August 12, 2016

Warblers and Flycatchers

Hot, Hazy and Humid. The three H's. My least palatable weather recipe. This mornings indoor wake-up temp is not altogether pleasing. It was 14 degrees cooler OUTSIDE. Much better. I would still be out there enjoying the 66 degrees except the bugs found me INSTANTLY. The storm door hadn't even closed behind me when the first pterasaur tried to make a meal outta me! Ahhh, open windows... cool air... no bugs... and I can see the thermometer falling as we speak. Or, would that be talk? No, that's not it. Discuss! No... Communicate? Whatever it is we're doing here, the temp is falling as we do it! That works. UH-OH! TRASH DAY!! Be right back!!!... I'm back, my trash is now out for it's weekly pickup, and upon rereading what I have written I noticed I'm raising my voice a lot in this blog-ptooey. On a beautiful day like today a raised voice just shatters the peace. No more of that. I hope. Now, I had a train of thought when I started this post ... Oh yeah! My photo mission may not be a bust after all. The Flycatcher flew past but did not land in his favorite tree to sing. I'm thinking maybe cus a Warbler was already sitting in the tree singing. I'm gonna hazard a guess and say that both birds must be tree top dwellers as that seems to be where they land when they want to sing. I have another wonky eyed photo for you. Zoomed out to the max my poor camera just cannot bring anything into focus. But how else am I gonna identify the singer if I don't get a look at it!? Blurry or not, the photo does help. My birdsong book tho, that's the clincher!! Thanks again Baby Baby Sis! So, here it is in all it's blurry glory, the singer of the day, the "I don't know which it is but I'm relatively sure it's a warbler" Warbler!!
May your day be filled with music as pleasant as the Warbler's and the Flycatcher's, when the Warbler doesn't steal the stage! Google supplied a witty-cism for me to pass on to you- If at first you don't succeed, you should probably skip skydiving:) - A good follow up for Einstein's witty-cism a couple of days ago, right?!
ADDENDUM... No, that would be
CORRECTION: Goldfinch! He's a Goldfinch! Obviously, even with the aid of a bird book and a bird song book, I need to hone my bird identification skills. Whoopsie! Thank you, S!!!