I wish the color had come out in the photo as vivid as my eyes saw it. Brilliant pinks and oranges that the camera couldn't capture. I looked and looked for a fungus to add to my collection. My Crocs and I finally found one. There it was, rather, there they were, in our own yard when I returned from my trek around the block. Go figure.
My Crocs and I also found a treasure:
A stick? Really?...Yes, a stick.... I know, right. I admit I cannot figure this out. It caught my eye as I passed it by. A stick, of all things. I actually turned around and went back for it. A STICK... I could almost see my Crocs giving me the 'one-eyebrow-up' look and then rolling their eyes when I forced them off track to go retrieve the stick. Ok, enuf with the stick already. The red leaf was as colorful as the sunrise. The camera almost does it justice. I'm sure it is apparent by now that I have nothing to say this morning and no good pictures to share. Brain dead. I'm going into zombie mode. It's a defense mechanism I resort to when I must go back to work. Operating on autopilot. Whatever works, right? My Crocs are lucky. They get to stay home. May your autopilot, should you find the need for one, always steer you in a worthwhile direction my Fellow Travelers!
I'm thinking my Crocs should come to work with me!! :)