Good evening from the Front Porch. The moon looks so purdy peeking thru the trees. Warm. It's warm tonight. 77 dees grees at 11 pm. Humidity is 88% and the air is not moving at all. Oppressive as it is, today has been GREAT! If I may be so bold, Whale Watching is a GREAT ride! I think, had we not seen any whales at all, it would still be great! It was so cool and wonderful on the water. Oh, um, I went whale watching today. Might help any potential readers if I mention that. A whale of a gift from my dear friend N. THANK YOU!!! 2 different kinds of whales put in an appearance for us today. Many fin whales and a Minke. First the Fin.
The picture can't really give you the perspective of how big these whales are. One came up right next to the boat! Of course I didn't get a picture. I was way too busy watching the whale to consider raising the camera. In my own defense I would like to mention I was, ah, whale watching on this whale watching trip :) Next up, the Minke.
Unfortunately yer gonna hafta take my word that the teeny tiny dorsal fin dead center of the picture belongs to a Minke whale. Minkes are much smaller whales than Fins. So sayeth the Marine Biologist supplying commentary on our trip. This is the only picture I was able to get of Monsieur/Mademoiselle Minke. A very important picture to me as I had it in my head we were gonna see 2 whales today and guess what!? We DID!! One more picture. Not of whales, but of a cloud. I snapped this pic just as the sun went behind it. My fav pic today. It illustrates just how beautiful it was for me. Kinda looks like a fish that leaped outta the water and is now nose diving back in.
And we're done here. I need a shower. Not just to cool off. Right now I'm thinking it's a good thing computers don't relay olfactory information. I don't think I'm very olfactorily pleasant at the moment. Goodnight my Travelers! May your travels be filled with wondrous sights!!!