Good morning. The Front Porch and I thoroughly enjoyed the 56° weather breakfast served up today. So did the Cardinal in this first picture. I wish there had been more light. My camera and I could see nothing but a black silhouette. Wasn't he just singing his heart out tho. It felt so good outside I went for another walk! Totally unlike me, but a simple thing to do for someone's peace of mind. Someone who means so much to me. I must say the hazards of taking a walk are plentiful!!! Not only was I mugged for blood by several OFBS members, my ears were assaulted by the yappers that live behind us as I passed by their house. Even indoors those dogs are encouraged to bark as much as they want. My ears and blood supply weren't the only victims on this mornings walk. My poor nose was overcome by the putrid odor of a rather large deposit left by a rather large dog whose human saw no reason to clean up. My eyes weren't too pleased at the sight of it either, but thank goodness they were paying attention. I was one step away from ruining a perfectly good shoe! UGH! Oh, I'm not done yet! As I was passing under one of the many trees in the neighborhood an acorn hurled itself at the top of my head. What forces are at play when an acorn and the top of someones head are aligned so perfectly? I can't help but wonder at the "coincidence", if indeed it was. Now if you ask me, I was forced to endure a great deal on my walk. Had I not gone I would have been spared all of it. Here comes the "but" :) - BUT, had I not gone for a walk this morning I would have missed seeing the beautiful hawk that flew right over head, I wouldn't have felt the cool breeze as I rounded one corner that made me lift my face into it and breath in its sweet aroma. I wouldn't have seen the beautiful orange and pink cloud peeking thru the trees to the east and I wouldn't have heard the beautiful birdsong of at least 6 different birds coming from the green belt between two houses behind us. I would have missed all that, had I not gone for a walk. Two more pics for you. First, the acorn that saw fit to pelt me became a treasure. I felt completely justified in claiming it as my own.

And second, the fungus are beginning to grow! I have been waiting for them! This one is growing right at our mailbox. Kinda looks like a golf ball, ya think?
Fare thee well on your journeys today, my Fellow Travelers of the Universe. May the unpleasant things in your life be offset by many things that are pleasant in your life. And may your focus be on those things pleasant!!! LIVE LAUGH and LOVE MUCH!!!