Thursday, August 18, 2016

Pride Served With Humble Pie

Still the wonky eyed photos of the Flycatcher. He's consistent, I'll give him that. He lands on the same tree every morning. A tree just out of reach of my cameras eye. But I'll take a blurry pic cus he's a welcome visitor. Noisy morning on the Front Porch. The traffic noise volume control seems stuck on full blast. Add to that an upset Blue Jay and the constant bickering going on between a dozen or so members of the sparrow family, and we have quite the cacophony of sound. It's a cool 59°- HEY! I didn't hafta Google the code for the zero glyph! I finally remembered on my own! Allow me to celebrate this small victory. I seldom, if ever... can't think the last time I had a major victory to celebrate... anyway, I feel the need to over emphasize my small victories. It's the little things, right? Where was I? I need the facilities... Yer right, that's too much info......... Well, I don't know where I was but I know where I am now. *Humphf*   Pride... does it hafta be served up with humble pie, I ask you!? I needed to go upstairs for a moment. See light switch?
This series of light switches is located at the bottom of the stairs in my living space. I have lived with these switches for several years and I can say without a doubt they haven't changed their primary function in all that time. WHY then, must I flip 2, sometimes ALL 3 to turn on the light I need!!?? WHYWHYWHY!!!????????????????????????????? If I can remember the code for the zero glyph in just a few days, I should have that blasted light switch memorized a hundred times over!! Tis a mystery causing brainpain. I'm gonna go pout now and get over it. Wait? What was that!? Oh! I hear a Cardinal in the Woods! Gonna go see if he'll pose for a picture!... The bird is gone, but get this. See picture of camera and it's reflection in storm door?
A re-creation, true enuf, but you'll get the picture... hold on... :)  I love it! "Get the picture"... :) ...  ahem, ok... moving on. Anyway, when I opened the door and the reflection moved, I thought something had me!! My body totally geared up for a spider dance in a split second and realization set in a split second after that. Sometimes I crack me up. What a waste of perfectly good adrenaline, tho. It's like getting a shot of Novocaine and then leaving the dentist office without having the tooth fixed. Gotta go! Things to do and places to be before I must go to work! Adios for now, my Fellow Travelers. May your day be filled with experiences that thrill, chill and make ya feel!! By the way, did you know "humble pie" is believed to be derived from the term "Umble Pie", which is a pie-like dish traditionally served to servants and inferiors as it was made from the less appealing parts of an animal, aka, deer innards. Ummm, YUCK is my gut response to Umble Pie. Wait... :) gut response... deer innards :):):)