First thing that said good morning on this 60°... ok, note to self... alt 2 4 8 won't give me the zero glyph if num lock is off, check. Only took me a dozen tries. The Moon. That beautiful orb in the sky. Our constant companion for thousands upon thousands of years. That's who said good morning first thing. A lovely and somehow comforting sight. No Flycatcher, no Goldfinch. I can hear a Nuthatch but I can't see him. Or her. I heard the train whistle! I love that. I also heard a fog horn. I think. Way off in the distance. Bored now. I got nuttin. Obviously. So, I will leave you with yet another in my photographic attempt to collect as many fungus's... no that would be fungi, as many fungi as I can, while I can.
These guys are tiny. Huh. Cool. I never noticed the little green bug till I looked at the picture. That says a lot about my lack of observational skills, considering how close I had to get to photograph these little mushrooms, or toadstools. Hold on. What's the difference? Get yer M.C. Hammer parachute pants out cus "It's Google time!" Uh huh... ok... really... I didn't know... Copy/paste time. "There's no real, scientifically accepted difference between a mushroom and a toadstool,
and the terms can sometimes be used interchangeably to refer to the
same types of fungus. However, in common, non-scientific usage, the term
“toadstool” is more often given to those fungi that are poisonous or otherwise inedible." Got it. Well, here's to the mushrooms in life and may the toadstools never find their way into your salad!! Live laugh and love, Travelers, and remember, there is an endless supply of things to Look at, Listen to, and Learn that can keep your brain well fed!! Je t'aime!!