Friday, August 5, 2016

Flycatcher Mission

See that bird? Great Crested Flycatcher! At least that's what my birdsong guide tells me. The picture ain't tellin' me nuttin'. Oops, my Ox and Moron got out. Wait, no... That would be the twins, Double and Negative moseying thru. Anyway, I'm on a mission to get a good picture of Flycatcher, if he visits again! One that won't make everyone think their eyes have gone wonky. It is currently 66 delicious dees-grees out on the Front Porch. Delightful weather to engage in the musings of the morning. Clear blue skies and calm winds with 87% humidity. A superb weather breakfast served up by Mother Nature today. I had two other visitors this morning. A couple of twitterpated squirrels. One of them took a moment to fuel up and posed nicely for a picture. That's it. I'm done. Nuttin'. I got nuttin' else this morning. Have a great day and keep an eye peeled for those L's. Later Dudes and Dudettes! Hey, who's yer fav Turtle? I love all four, but I think Mikey is awesome!