Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What's Up With The Sticks

My walks are getting too dark to take decent photos. I had several Robins visit before I departed the Front Porch. There is a bird in the picture above but I'm afraid you'll hafta take my word that it's a Robin. Same with the next pic. Just a blob with a hint of bird shape.
On my quest to find a fungus to photograph I found this beaut around the corner.The size of a small plate!!

But then I get home and there, hiding under a tree branch in the green belt to our south, were these
And to think, I could have spared myself the jolt my heart received on my walk, when a neighbor remote started his car just as I was passing by it. Probably on purpose. I'm sure my startle was amusing enuf for a good laugh. Not only that, but I could have avoided the buzz by and headbutts an angry hornet/wasp/flying-stinger-thingy saw fit to lavish on me. I have no idea what got him so riled up or why I got the brunt of his tantrum. Anybody witness to that encounter might still be laughing. AND, oh, I'm not thru yet, my heart, body and dignity didn't need to be assaulted by the images of a large, dark, hairy carnivore with HUGE teeth that a frightened squirrel conjured up in my mind when he plowed thru a green belt and up a tree. Amazing how much noise a small squirrel can make when he beats a hasty retreat for the tree tops. Had I been as agile as that squirrel, I might have been sitting in the tree tops with him, after the scare he gave me. I suppose we're even. After all, it was ME who scared the life outta him in the first place. With all that adrenaline pumping thru me it's no wonder, when I stepped into our own green belt to plant my foot next to the giant mushroom/toadstools for reasons of photographic perspective, that I should lose all control when a stick landed on the top of my head while I was taking pictures. A stick... this stick
What is it with me and sticks lately?
Love and happiness to you ALL, my beloved Travelers! Learn much today and share what you learn with those who desire to be taught or enlightened!! Tis a gift worth giving!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

I Got Nuttin' But Pictures And Maybe A Little Babble

The Front Porch is getting darker and darker when I step outside. This morning I was inclined to take a walk in my Crocs. Crocs with socks! Yes, I wear Crocs with socks! Another fashion faux pas I have no problem committing in public. The walk felt awesome. My feet thanked me the entire way for the Crocs. I was more than happy to oblige them. My feet and I love CROCS!! What about the weather, you ask? 53°, 89% humidity and fair skies gave me and my Croc-happy feet, this sunrise for our viewing pleasure:
I wish the color had come out in the photo as vivid as my eyes saw it. Brilliant pinks and oranges that the camera couldn't capture. I looked and looked for a fungus to add to my collection. My Crocs and I finally found one. There it was, rather, there they were, in our own yard when I returned from my trek around the block. Go figure.
My Crocs and I also found a treasure:
A stick? Really?...Yes, a stick.... I know, right. I admit I cannot figure this out. It caught my eye as I passed it by. A stick, of all things. I actually turned around and went back for it. A STICK... I could almost see my Crocs giving me the 'one-eyebrow-up' look and then rolling their eyes when I forced them off track to go retrieve the stick. Ok, enuf with the stick already.
The red leaf was as colorful as the sunrise. The camera almost does it justice. I'm sure it is apparent by now that I have nothing to say this morning and no good pictures to share. Brain dead. I'm going into zombie mode. It's a defense mechanism I resort to when I must go back to work. Operating on autopilot. Whatever works, right? My Crocs are lucky. They get to stay home. May your autopilot, should you find the need for one, always steer you in a worthwhile direction my Fellow Travelers!
 I'm thinking my Crocs should come to work with me!! :)

Monday, August 29, 2016

Senses Awake

70° with a 5 mph breeze. So nice! And 79% humidity with fair skies? Ditto!! The best part about the Front Porch this morning, as if it's not already nice enuf? NO BUGS!!!! Not a single one!!! It was my nose that perked up before anything else, tho. The ocean fragrance that was strong enuf to wake up my sense of smell was not of the putrid kind that likes to toy with the gag reflex, but the briny kind that makes one pleasantly aware that ocean water is somewhere nearby asking you to "come play with me". I like that smell! My sense of touch was enjoying the feel of the ocean breeze when my eyes caught the little Red Robin who flew into a tree in the M Woods. He was kind enuf to pose for a picture while he visited.
Cute lil' fella! He enjoyed the morning with me until a neighbor leaving for work made it too crowded around here for him. My ears didn't focus on anything but the peace and quiet of the morning. Until the aforementioned neighbor had to start up her car so she could get to work. And WHOWZERS!!!  My coffee's HOT!! My poor taste buds get the most brutal awakenings. My other senses usually have a gentle wake up. But for some reason I can't figure, I jolt my taste buds awake in the most sadistic ways. If it's not the bite of the toothpaste on my brush then it's usually the blistering hot, rancid taste of the coffee I make. Those poor things. My buds get up every morning to a nightmare! Life with me has not been an easy one. I'll get them some ice cream later! May your senses be delighted by the best things today!! This Universe has a lot to offer them! LIVE LAUGH and LOVE my Fellow Travelers!!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fisherwoman Extraodinaire

We leave for home today. Not ready. Depression setting in. But then B reminded me that it's only 359 days till next time!! Depression lifting!! I must share, in pictures, my fishing experiences. First is a picture of that which I caught most, Grass Fish. Don't let 'em fool ya. They can put up a fight.
This next Grass Fish is a bit larger. Quite the job reeling him in, let me tell ya!
I caught the tree in the next picture 3 times!! However, there is a rage factor involved. I do not recommend Tree Fishing at all.
Next pic, I caught this tree twice. Again, you're not missing anything except a red face and a strong desire to curse. Avoid Tree Fishing altogether.
My first real fish! Well, almost a fish. He will be when he grows up. The worm was almost bigger than him.
Finally! A fish that wasn't still a baby. 
And, yesterday, my farewell fish!
Until next year my catch and release fish friends! May you all be alive and grown up when I get back here!! And to you, my Fellow Travelers, may your days be as wonderful as my days here in D have been!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Good Morning From Most

Good morning from the River. I'm trying not to think about the fact that I must pack for home today. I am not ready to leave. Still much to do and see! *heavy sigh* Next year!! Pics must speak for me again. Times a'wastin'! Te quiero Travelers! Next pic, Good morning from the Pond:
  Good morning from the cabin:
 Red was Not saying good morning. With a pine cone in his mouth he sounded kinda funny.
  Spider retreated into his home without so much as a 'how do you do'
If there were hummingbirds still in this nest, I know they would say good morning!

Friday, August 26, 2016

A Mellow Mosey

I took a mellow mosey about the Cabin, River and Pond and took many pictures. Some not so good and some downright bad. I'm gonna share!!! Its all about Cabin 1!
My walking buddy, except he flew from tree to tree.
Visited the frog pond. Disgusting pond but the frogs love it!!
The R Pond was still and beautiful.
This lil' red squirrel chased off a gray squirrel and then chewed me out for taking his picture.
Fungus no bigger than a dime and right in the middle of the road.
Charlottes neighbor. He lives one window pane over.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Leisure And Relaxation Time

Good morning from the Pond! It's pictures again. Leisure time and relaxation awaits!! Love and happiness to you all, Travelers!!
Yep! You guessed it! It's FUNGUS time! I'm not seeing much that's new anymore!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Pictures And A Thousand Words Thing

Good morning from the Pond... oh, who am I kidding. This pic might have been taken this morning but it is now late afternoon and my fishing pole awaits!! Have a good rest of the day my Fellow Travelers! Te Quiero!
      My fishing partner yesterday!
My fishing partner today!
Fishing & Canoeing!
And last but not least, FUNGUS!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

River Fishing Awaits

Chilly enuf for a fire at 60 degrees. But it will be warm enuf to swim later! Good morning from the River. I gotta get ready for breakfast! S and K are making pancakes and bacon. This is brief again but I know you understand. Pictures must speak for me today. Te quiero, Travelers! May yer day be great grand and glorious!!
The river this morning is waiting for the fishermen and women to start casting!
No, that's not horse dung. One minute nothing was there, the next I was looking and wondering "what is that?" FUNGUS! Really. I could see the stems underneath.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Peaceful Wonderfulness

Good Morning from the River! No life moving in the fog/mist we are enjoying at the moment. It is currently 68 degrees with 96% humidity and 5 mph breezes. Peaceful and wonderful! Must go out and throw my line into the water. This is brief, I know, but I'm sure you understand there are things to do and see, therefore, I must be off!! Te quiero, my Brothers and Sisters of the Universe. May there always be a Peaceful and Wonderful place in your life!! Almost forgot, I have a picture of a fungus for you. I think. These guys seem to erupt from the ground overnight.
Ok, done now! Off to catch a fish! :)

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Mushrooms Or Toadstools

First thing that said good morning on this 60°... ok, note to self... alt 2 4 8 won't give me the zero glyph if num lock is off, check. Only took me a dozen tries. The Moon. That beautiful orb in the sky. Our constant companion for thousands upon thousands of years. That's who said good morning first thing. A lovely and somehow comforting sight. No Flycatcher, no Goldfinch. I can hear a Nuthatch but I can't see him. Or her. I heard the train whistle! I love that. I also heard a fog horn. I think. Way off in the distance. Bored now. I got nuttin. Obviously. So, I will leave you with yet another in my photographic attempt to collect as many fungus's... no that would be fungi, as many fungi as I can, while I can.
These guys are tiny. Huh. Cool. I never noticed the little green bug till I looked at the picture. That says a lot about my lack of observational skills, considering how close I had to get to photograph these little mushrooms, or toadstools. Hold on. What's the difference? Get yer M.C. Hammer parachute pants out cus "It's Google time!" Uh huh... ok... really... I didn't know... Copy/paste time. "There's no real, scientifically accepted difference between a mushroom and a toadstool, and the terms can sometimes be used interchangeably to refer to the same types of fungus. However, in common, non-scientific usage, the term “toadstool” is more often given to those fungi that are poisonous or otherwise inedible." Got it. Well, here's to the mushrooms in life and may the toadstools never find their way into your salad!! Live laugh and love, Travelers, and remember, there is an endless supply of things to Look at, Listen to, and Learn that can keep your brain well fed!! Je t'aime!!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Mourning Doves And Fungus

This mourning dove decided I could snap his picture and proceeded to pose for me, presenting his good side of course. It was a sweet gesture but, alas, not enuf light for the camera. His mate on the other hand, flew off in a frantic huff when I got within, oh, I don't know, a quarter of mile of her. She's a shy one for sure. I love the sound their wings make when they take off, though it can scare the wiggins outta me. I got nuttin for ya this morning except another fungus picture. That sounds ikky. Fungus picture... but there are so many different kind growing right now! Most are up in the neighbors yards so I can't photograph them. Growing close to the street is when they become fair game for the camera!!! The Front Porch is currently enjoying 66° of sweet 3 mph winds and 84% humidity to go with fair skies. I enjoyed it as well!! Think I'll go enjoy it some more :) Have a capitol G day today! Good Great or Grand, they all work!!! Love and happiness to you, my Fellow Travelers!