See this fella here? Big ole Gray Squirrel. He was looking for food in the leaves as I stepped out the door to go to work yesterday. Totally unconcerned about my presence on the Front Porch, he was in no hurry and my head screamed PHOTO-OPP!!!! Camera and I finally got our act together and started snapping away, hoping one of the pics would be a clear shot of him when he lifted his head. Didn't happen. Twitchy appeared outta no where and attacked Gray. This sent Gray straight up in the air about 3 feet and even tho I know it isn't possible within the laws of physics, I'll swear Gray was already running forward long before he hit the ground again. Twitchy was right behind, ready to draw blood if necessary to defend the winter stash he worked all summer storing away. I was too busy laughing at the antics of these two to depress the Camera shutter button any more. I followed them around to the back yard. All the action was over by the time I got around there. But Twitchy sat for a moment on the fence post guarding his territory.