I need to go to bed. Work is pestering me head and it's not even tomorrow yet! 3 days off, without being sick, has been GREAT!!! Before I say goodnight I wanted to post a couple of pictures that are, sadly, of the "you really had to be there or have one of your own to see it clearly" variety. But I'm posting them anyway!
Can't see a thing! Blast it. I thought it would look a lot better than that. *heavy sigh* Anyway, L and S got this
as a Christmas gift. L trained it on the trees in the back, set it on No Motion, Random, Green Light Only and it looked like a piece of night sky landed in the backyard!! I'm talking some serious PRETTY here!!! And soft on the eyes, unlike the computer monitor which I am turning off inna couple of seconds so I don't get a headache.