Saturday, January 14, 2017

Will Be What It Will Be

I keep trying to shake off this mood. But sometimes the reasons for a blue mood are real and heartbreaking and deserving of the mood. So this mood will lift when it's able. In the meantime, Grampa taught me not take my moods out on anyone. So, without any more apologies, the Front Porch Report will be what it will be until it isn't anymore. I'll keep it up because those the Report and it's message of 'I LOVE YOU' is for, matter far more than anything else. So, ONWARD!!! I must visit the Porch! I haven't done that yet! BRB...
The WIP is a 'straight across the street' shot cus I like the way the sun was just startin' to touch the tree tops. I also chose it cus I didn't take but 5 pics before 9° drove me back into the house with a frozen pinky finger and stiff clothes. 52% humidity, calm winds and fair skies. OBACE and the We-Gues have been getting along lately. Makes me think something's askew with the world. Putting the pessimist aside, I had a delightful visitor! Twitchy!
He posed for me several times but any wisp of photography skills I possess have fallen asleep, along with Camera's motor. I'll work on waking these skills one day with a new Camera. Until then, we're happy to to have the pictures we get, Camera and I. A most wonderful way to preserve a memory! May your day be the most wonderful it can be! Love and Happiness to you, ALWAYS!