Saturday, January 28, 2017

Pathetic Mush

The Front Porch was a wonderful place to be. At least for 15 minutes. Cold air and a chilly breeze limited the amount of time to comfortably spend musing the morning weather. 29°, mostly cloudy, 75% humidity and calm winds. No screaming at the Weather-Guessers this time. Calm the wind were for 15 minutes. I didn't feel the air move at all, until the end of my stay outside.
Hummm... need new slippers... We got a dusting of snow last night. Literally. A dusting.
Looks purdy, this dusting of the snow. Ok. Struggling mush! :) Whoopsie. I meant to type much, but I like mush. Leavin' it! Obviously, I got nuttin' when I spend 10 minutes writing such pathetic mush. Or gruel. Gruel sounds more accurate. Doesn't gruel sound awful? I'm DONE! Have a great grand and glorious day, my Fellow Travelers.