Thursday, January 19, 2017

White Wilderness

26°, 88% hum., calm winds and light snow. Very light. During my lengthy 2 minute expedition out into the white wilderness known as the Front porch, the "light snow" we are currently experiencing saw fit to pelt me with at least 6 or 7 snowflakes. This onslaught of frozen water crystals made me stop in my tracks and ponder, was it actually snowing or was that the roof dripping on me? The cold seeping into my slippers from the copious half inch of snow surrounding them, broke through these profound and insightful thoughts, forcing my acute instinct for survival to turn and make the arduous 2 foot journey back to the warmth of the house. I suffered no ill affects from my excursion into the wilds, other than a strong yearning for my forgotten cup of hot coffee and wet slippers. May all your trips into the wilds see you unharmed, enlightened and safely returned to the warmth that is your home, my Fellow Travelers. And may Love and Happiness be with you, wherever you go.
Oooh! I hear the train whistle!... :)