Of course, no one can SEE the wind in the WIP. OBACE and it's antiquated surveillance equipment could. Those tree tops were dancing in the wind! In the few seconds Obace stood on the Front Porch, the current conditions made themselves promptly known. Those conditions being, 27°, fair skies, 41% humidity with SW winds at 9 mph, gusting at 18 mph and thereby causing an 18° windchill. We made no attempt to ascertain whether or not any visitors were about. After taking 2 quick pictures, OBACE executed an immediate about-face and scurried back into the wonderful warmth of this oh so warm house. We're done here. I got nuttin. I'm trying to get outta this I got nuttin mode but I can't seem to shake it. In spite of the I got nuttin blues, I'll be back tomorrow to regale you with more of... something, I hope. Have a Great Grand and Glorious today, my Fellow Travelers of the Universe. Watch for them, grab all you can when they pass your way, and use those 6 L's to feed your Dreams!!! No one can do it for you.