I stepped out on the Front Porch just in time to witness an epic territorial battle between 2 Twitchys! Twitchy 2 was foraging in the M Woods while I scrutinized the little fella thinking "Wow, Twitch, yer growin' up. You look bigger today than yesterday." Next thing I know, there were 2 of them racing around and around and up and down the trees, chittering at each other the entire time. The big guy finally beat it across the street via the phone line, while my good-ole Twitchy, in all his dinky glory, sat atop the phone pole on his side of the street cussing out the interloper in Squirrel Speak. Quite the verbalist, my diminutive Twitch! When he was finished throwing curses at the Twitchy imposter he came back and posed for a picture. Who am I kidding. He spotted me on the Porch and started chewing me out for eavesdropping.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Front Porch, the Sun was trying to warm up our 35° day as it peeked thru the trees. 59% humidity, calm winds and fair skies was being served up with that 35° entree. Delish. The calm weather breakfast before tonight's stormy dinner. Latest forecast predicts 3 to 5 inches total accumulation between tonight and tomorrow. I have Pepsi, toilet paper and battery operated candles. I'm all set. Bring on the snow! Oh, and 2 more things. 1- A warm house whether we have power or not. And 2- Let's not forget the gas powered snowblower. A top-notch, first-rate, five-star, blue-ribbon, grade-A, must-have invention (for those of us in snowy climes) if ever there was one!!! And, even more importantly, the never to be forgotten and ALWAYS to be much appreciated, masculinely muscled, human who maneuvers the magnificent snowblower with such methodical mastery!!!
My wish for all today, may you have a top-notch, first-rate, five-star, blue-ribbon, grade-A, must-have invention for your neck of the woods when you need it. Whatever that invention may be! Just don't forget to thank the magnificent human who masterfully maneuvers that invention.
Toodles, my beloved ones!!