Saturday, November 25, 2017

No Pondering The Glories, Gifts And Mysteries

No time to ponder the glories, gifts and mysteries that is Life this morning. Too long with my breakfast. What can I say, I LOVE food. That said, on with the weather report.
As the WIP indicates, I did step out onto the Front Porch. It's a cutis anserina kinda morning. Tho the WeeGees claim it's a 42° morning, the baby goosebumps put in an appearance. As for the rest of the conditions, we have 76% humidity. Yep. My skin's drying out as we speak, or as I type actually. Next we have 3 mph SW winds, which, I personally believe, brought on the cutis eruption. And finally, we have fair skies. Uvula drowsily opened one figurative eye when the brain we all share registered zero stars in the sky. But, after carefully scanning the skies for proof of those so called fair skies, because as dark as it was there should have been stars visible, my eyes finally adjusted and there they were. Plenty of stars, faintly twinkling away in the predawn blue that I love so much.
Uvula promptly fell back to sleep.
Have a great day, Travelers.
May Love and Happiness be your constant companions!