Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Blow To The Psyche

The loss of a loved one is such a shattering blow to the psyche. It changes a person. Permanently. It's difficult to accept these changes, whether they be in yourself or in someone else. Logic, or life, tells us these changes are inevitable, necessary even. Knowing that doesn't make it any easier to process. Good or bad, these experiences make us who we are. Keep moving on. We cannot dictate the pace, not in our selves and certainly not in anyone else. No matter how slow it might be, put one foot in front of the other and keep moving. Be forgiving of those who withdraw because they find the changes off-putting and difficult to accept. Be gentle with yourself as you assimilate these changes and learn who it is you are now. Be prepared. I can't say with any certainty, but I think facing the truth about our self is probably the single most difficult thing we do in life. And that's if we choose to do it at all. Fear keeps us from facing most things difficult. 
What the hell... I know where all that came from but how I managed to turn it around and make it about me is... typical of human nature, I guess. I need to shut up. For now, I'll post this. But it may disappear when I have a chance to proof read.
I'm thinking about you, D, and your sisters. Even when I meander off and make it all about me, somehow I get back on track and realize this is about you right now, not me. In your time of loss, be gentle with yourself AND with one another.
That's what will pull you through this.
I don't know where you'll find your comfort, but look for it everywhere, and in everything.
I find comfort in the everyday and mundane.
Like typing the Front Porch Report.
Like a picture of the predawn blue.
Like the current weather conditions.
88% humidity
Calm winds
Overcast skies
And a chance of snow showers today.
Have the best day you can, Travelers.
And, when the time comes, as it does to us all, may your awakened grief be a visitor you can nurture back to sleep faster and faster, as time goes by.