Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Nose With Fast Moving Feet

Now I have a runny nose.
When you say "my nose is running" do you picture a nose with fast moving feet?
Yeah... makes for quite the visual, no?
The WIP has not been taken as yet. Just the act of opening the door instantly brought about the slamming of the door to keep the Dark and the Cold from launching a successful tag team assault.
They both had their aggressive "Let's get her!" faces on. I much prefer their "Can you come out and play?" faces. So, while I wait for the rising of the Sun to placate those two elements, I shall regale you with the weather report.
My, doesn't that sound exciting?
Ok Ok. On with it.
The current conditions are thys- wait. Not "thys", THUS. They are thus-
15°. Ah-huh. Degrees to which I have just slammed the door on. Sorry L. Sorry S. Sorry N.
80% humidity. If they say so.
Calm winds. That will be confirmed when OBACE is forced out the door, all in the name of gainful employment.
And finally, fair skies. The brief glimpse OBACE managed, when the first door slamming attempt to evaluate the weather occurred, is inconclusive in regards to the state of the sky at this moment.
And there you have it, this mornings weather breakfast, as served up by Mother Nature and proclaimed by the National Weather Service, aka the Weather Guessers, aka the WeeGees, aka the LIARS!! whenever OBACE disagrees with them. And when Uvula wants to play.
Can't put it off any longer. I must disengage OBACE's emergency brakes and force the cumbersome and reluctant beast out the door for a WIP. And a car warm-up. Doncha just love watching yer gas gauge go down while not going anywhere? There is something terribly wrong in that.
Going now...
Took A picture. As in 1. One picture.
But, OBACE's sensory input devices registered several things in pretty rapid secession.
How quickly Jack Frost painted the stormdoor glass when the door was bravely opened.
The crisp smelling air that immediately froze the nose hairs.
The stentorian cough brought on when the involuntary gasp at the cold air attacked the lungs.
The thunderous cracking sound of the Porch reacting to the cumbersome bulk that is OBACE.
The crunchy sound the grass made as OBACE bolted across the lawn for the car, rather than down the walk, as per usual.
And the reluctance of Trusty to instantly turn his engine on. Took him a second to come outta hibernation.
Gotta go now!
Have a great day if you can, Travelers.